I’m a fairly new framework user here and super disappointed that the ports on this machine seem to randomly disconnect. The modularity of being able to swap out ports sure seems less fancy when they are unreliable?!
If I plug the USB-A module anywhere on the right side it disconnects and reconnects rapidly, which makes it unusable! This happens with flash drives and mouses. Seems to work if I move it to the left? How is that a valid solution!?
And anywhere I plugin my phone (iPhone 15) to charge it also rapidly connects and disconnects. This is apparently just a known problem?? How is that OK?
This is so disappointing. I don’t mind spending money on a company giving something a shot, and I thought it might be clunky, but plugging shit into ports on a laptop is the basics… how did this ship!?
I would LOVE to be doing something wrong/stupid and have this be an easy fix. Is it me? There seem to be reports of this type of thing all over the forums.
USB-A in the front right should be fine. Mine seems to be, though I haven’t used it a great deal. For back right USB-A isn’t recommended, but I think it should still work.
What BIOS version are you on? What OS are you running?
If it happens with any device you try, then that is not normal. And you might want to contact support.
Though first you may wish to check that you have the latest driver package installed, latest stable firmware, and do test multiple different devices with different cables, as I imagine support will ask you those things. You don’t mention the OS. If your on Linux they will ask that you try one of the officially supported distros.
If this is with a USB-C to USB-C cable, yes, this is a known problem currently. No where has it been said that it’s ok. It’s not yet known where the root of the issue (or blame if you will) lays. Framework does seem to be looking into it.
Charging newer iphones should work with USB-C to USB-A cables. I recall that being reported to work without issue.
Also welcome to the forum. I’m sorry that it’s issues that first brings you here.
You should contact support on this one. I had similar issues with port number 3 (furthest back right side) and my storage expansion card regularly disconnecting and reconnecting. I would eventually see various regular driver crashes and bluescreens. It ended up being a faulty mainboard which was swapped out by support and now everything is stable again.