Possibility of a 16:9 screen?

Has there been any indication of whether they might consider making a 16:9 screen module option in the future? I spend a good portion of my day VNCed into other machines, and it seems really annoying to not have the start button in the bottom left and the window close button not in the top right due to the black borders.

I’ve tried a system76 laptop that had a taller screen compared to 16:9 and the muscle memory of putting my mouse into the top right or bottom left corner means I always overshoot into the black border of the VNC session, so I’ve been holding out on getting a framework in hopes that there will be a 16:9 option in the future, and because I don’t want to get a framework only for a 16:9 screen to come out and it not be compatible with the model I got.

It could even just be an alternate screen module with a larger top/bottom bezel. If it were possible to set the screen to a 16:9 resolution without stretching the contents that might work, but I’m pretty sure if you add a custom resolution then it would end up being stretched to fill the screen.

Probably not, considering that the framework 13 was designed around the 3:2 screen size and the associated layout. Additionally, if it is that much of a pain point you can set it to run in 16:9 cropped and it’s just not really an issue. About the muscle memory thing, I thought I was really going to struggle with it but you get used to it after about a day of use.

I’ve made the mistake before of assuming I would adjust to different ergonomics, but here I am several years into using a phone with a screen that extends fully to the bottom and I still can’t comfortable reach the back button with my thumb, so I’m trying to not make that kind of mistake again. I think it’ll be even worse for re-learning that the task bar isn’t at the bottom of the screen because I have several decades of getting used to just flinging my mouse to the bottom left and clicking for the start menu that I would have to re-learn.

Also I’ve never seen an option to crop the screen on lower resolutions, at least in Windows just setting a lower resolution seems to always stretch so I’m not sure how I would set it to add black bars instead?

I can understand that the laptop is designed around a particular screen, but doesn’t that only prevent using a larger screen? It seems like it would be very doable to just use a 16:9 screen that is smaller in all dimensions than the default one and make the screen bezel larger to compensate. I don’t see how doing that would require redesigning the main body at all - only trying to use a bigger screen would require that.

I was hoping there would be some indication or at least rumors of some progress towards a 16:9 version or alternate 16:9 display module (that just takes a smaller 16:9 screen and adds enough bezel to make it compatible with the framework 13 body size) by now but I guess I’ll check in again in a few more years. My gaming PC is hooked up to my TV which is one of the machines I VNC into and I can’t see myself getting a 16:10 TV anytime soon to solve the problem.

well, it wouldn’t be officially supported but if you can find a display that uses EDP then it could work.