Radeon Drivers Repeatedly Fail to Install

Framework 16 with a 7940HS, 7700S, 64 GB of RAM and 4 TB of storage.
Running Windows 11, fresh install, newest update
DIY edition (i installed windows myself)

First time I installed windows, updated windows fully and used the driver package for the Framework 16 to update, restarted. Tried installing radeon drivers, it appeared to succeed but whenever it finished I wouldn’t have AMD Adrenalin software no matter what I tried to do. Everytime I go to reinstall it would say “Repair” instead of upgrade drivers.

Other times it would tell me explicitly it failed to install drivers. Sometimes it would fail to detect any AMD hardware on the computer.

I am frequently getting
Error 186 - AMD Installer cannot continue due to missing or corrupted manifest files

I have reinstalled Windows around 4 times now

Sometimes the download is corrupted. Check it against the checksum.

Check the SHA256 with:
Windows sha256:
certUtil -hashfile C:\file.img SHA256

Linux sha256:
sha256sum file.img

If the sha256 checksum does not match, try downloading the driver bundle again.

For the drivers, the sha256sum should be:

You might also need to install “WMIC”.
Search these forums for “WMIC” to find out how to install them.

I appreciate the help. Found the solution albeit a weird one

Had to install radeon drivers before I installed the framework driver package. Which required the ethernet expansion card (since I didn’t have wifi drivers) (thank God I had it). Jank setup, probably something that needs to be looked into.

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