Reprogram Framework 16 Numpad Backspace Key

I have a somewhat odd and specific question.

I have a Framework 16, AMD Ryzen 7 running Windows 11 Pro.

I have a numpad module for my keyboard, and I reprogrammed the topline to match a standard keyboard numpad of “PgUp”, “PgDn”, “Home”, and “End”. I used VIA, and was able to successfully program “esc”, “calc”, and “=” to “PgUp”, “PgDn”, and “Home”. I cannot get the “backspace” key to reprogram to “End”. Even though VIA says it is reprogramed, when I test or use the key, it still works as “backspace”. Also, now “FN+Right Arrow” acts like as “backspace”, instead of “End”.

The final oddity is, if I am remoted to my work desktop, it works as an “End” key. But if I am doing something on my Framework, it is “backspace”.

I have checked all the other layers, and they are blank. I looked at using QMK, but it might be a little beyond my ability level.

Any suggestions or ideas on how to reprogram this key? After over a decade of having a keyboard with an “End” key there, I hit it out of muscle memory.

Welcome to the forum.

The way numpad keys work have some peculiarities. Which can make things more complicated.

Standard numpad keys are interpreted differently by OS’s if numlock is on vs off. Then the way QMK does layers 0 & 1 adds another complication. When Numlock is on, layer 0 is active, when numlock is off, layer 1 is active instead.

But… as far as I thought I knew, none of that should matter for an End key placed on layer 0. Usually I’m good at seeing what QMK is doing even with the numpad complications, but this issue is not clicking for me at the moment.

Just to rule things out, can you try your end key with numlock on & numlock off?
And can you screenshot your layer 1?

This is the Fn key on your keyboard, not numpad, correct?

Thanks for the welcome, MJ1.

Sorry, should have put in my original post yes, I have tried it with both the numlock on & off. Does not make a difference. Tried it again, and no change.

Layer 1 Screenshot

Correct, the Fn and arrow key on the keyboard, not the numpad.

Ah, I thought you meant Fn key on the key + arrow key on the numpad, and I confused. Since Fn has no effect on other modules (using the default firmware at least).

Each input module is a separate usb keyboard with its own brain, firmware, & settings. So both the keyboard & the numpad End is separately getting interpreting as backspace. Originally I thought maybe Via was glitching & would have asked you to try a reset. But the same odd random glitch is unlikely in both modules.

If you want to try a reset anyway, click for instructions.

You can reset by remapping a key to QK_CLEAR_EEPROM, then pressing that key. Note that this will erase any changes you’ve made in Via ( This clears persistent memory / EEPROM, and any corrupted settings Via might have saved. If this is your first time using the site, you’ll have to authorize connection to your keyboard first.

  1. Go to
  2. Select a key to remap by clicking on it, the key will start to slowly flash
  3. In the key selection area below, click on the Special section
  4. Select the Any keycode, found at the bottom
  5. Enter QK_CLEAR_EEPROM and press Confirm
  6. On the keyboard, press the key you just remapped
  7. Reload for it to show the change

But now with that, it happening on both of them, it sounds like windows is interpreting End as backspace. Why tho, I have no earthy idea… I tried googling & didn’t come up with much. I’m afraid I moved to Linux over a decade ago, so I’m not so knowledgeable about windows peculiarities.

I don’t suppose there is any chance you installed PowerTools Keyboard Manager ( or used any other remapping solution?

What language is your keyboard set to in windows?

If all else fails, perhaps you could use PowerTools Keyboard Manager to create an End key shortcut & map that to your key in Via. Normally I’d suggest an Alt-code as another means of typing something, but I didn’t turn up one for the End key.

So this did end up being my mistake. I tried PowerToys before using Via. When the Keyboard Manager in PowerToys did not work the way I wanted, I thought I disabled and uninstalled it, then used Via. Apparently I did not, or did not save the settings correctly.

When I went to re-install PowerToys, it was still on my system, and Keyboard Manager was still active, with End reprogrammed to Backspace. So embarrassing to admit, but my fault all along, and problem is resolved.

Thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it.