Request: Make a tough case option with Dupont Zytel/Nylon 66

Would the design team consider making a “tough case” version of the case using Dupont Zytel or Nylon 66 as an option? That would make the case ridiculously durable. Thanks!!

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Might be too niche for Framework themselves to take on, but I imagine that someone out there can easily make and sell such a case since the laptop’s design is so open


For an outer case I agree, they’ll probably leave that up to somebody to build as a 3rd party part. If you’re talking about replacing the aluminum shell, I believe they’ve already said that plastics take up too much room internally if you make the shell thick enough to be adequately rigid.


Is the entirety of the case aluminum?

The screen bezel is plastic but the rest of the case is aluminum.

You mean the lid? Is the lid plastic?

The black bezel part that is in front of the display is plastic (to make it easy to remove and color customizable), while the actual lid behind the display is aluminum.

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Very nice. Thanks NRP! FYI, you should emphasize that the case is all aluminum in marketing materials.