[RESPONDED] AMD Batch 1 Guild

And don’t bother Framework support about it, you’ll just have a “buy our DDR that has been tested” without any other information that everyone is asking.
Yup disappointing :disappointed:


Yes it is a little frustrating that more in-detail specifications for the hardware isn’t available yet.

On the other hand, they haven’t actually released/shipped any of the RAM or AMD mainboards so could this lack of information be due to them working on firmware/bios etc to see what they can end up at in terms of performance and features?

This is a company where the CEO regularly provides detailed answers to requests for info/part numbers etc in these very forums and have a Github where they share pretty much everything about their hardware (which other companies makes it this easy to get a copy of the mainboard schematics?)

I’m sure once they start shipping they will have all the information readily available (otherwise the general public will provide it). Yes this sucks for us who want to get parts ordered and ready to go as soon as the computer arrives.

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All they would need to do is list the JEDEC and XMP/EXPO profiles the memory supports. Some manufacturers do on their own websites, but frustratingly others keep it vague.

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Does this Help? I selected Standart SPD means JEDEC and 5600 MTS

Hope you ll find something im gonna go Crucial or Kingston for my Framework.


Yep, that just about confirms it. I ordered the Crucial kit, hoping I can remove the memory from my preorder without losing my place in line. Thanks!

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also, this might explain Framework’s silence regarding FW13 Ryzen’s apparent delay past “early Q3”:

TL;DR, the team didn’t expect so many people to click smash absolutely destroy the pre-order and support inquiry buttons so are currently swamped

so we just have to keep being patient. We’re still in the first half of Q3, after all, so I wouldn’t even call it “late” yet.


linux-hardware.org has hits just as well:


they have some 7840U and 7840HS machines submitted.

p.s. dunno about DDR5 these days, back in the old days :wink: LPDDR was the stuff soldered onto mainboards, and as we have sockets for so-dimm on frame.work machines, the only non-LPDDR5 machines there on linux-hardware.org so far i could track down were these:


if people interested in the RAM modules being used, it is listed there.


I’m not sure if I understood it correctly but I think those links are from machines made by other manufacturers like HP and Acer.

yes they are maybe (probably) i even wanted to post into that other memory compat thread for amd framework 13 laptop over there Memory compatibility FW 13 AMD Ryzen™ 7040U series DDR5-SODIMM-5600MT/s

the other manufacturers and those entries are just examples of other people what they are running in those maybe comparable machines.

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Just bought two of these Crucial 24GB DDR5-5600 SODIMM | CT24G56C46S5 | Crucial.com , hoping they serve me alright.



Not part of the AMD batch 1 group, but please, when you will have it - tell us about the battery life :smiley: .

I really am curious if AMD chips are better in terms of battery life.
(hope you’ll get your fw laptop soon :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: )


Just so weird seeing stuff like this from the framework team:

“ It’s been a couple weeks since launch, and we wanted to provide you with an update chock-full of transparency as to why we’re still delayed on getting back to some of you in the Framework Support queues.”

Why are they so transparent about everything except the ryzen 13?

Just send out a couple updates on the status? Why so secretive?

The last forum reply was saying it’s not even in MP phase yet, it must be so behind they’re scared to say anything else?


Where did we see that it was shipping in early Q3? At the Next Level Event presentation, Nirav said that they were “shipping in Q3”. In the Announcement by the Framework Team, they state "with batches shipping as early as Q3 this year." I know I saw early Q3 somewhere. I hope those sticks of memory that I bought are good. I won’t be able to return it if I get my laptop in October.


Even if it once said early Q3 somewhere, that was always an estimated ship date, and it has since said Q3 for a long time, even my original Batch 1 email confirmation says Q3. We just passed the 1/3 mark of Q3 so we’re barely outside of what you might consider “early.”

I get it’s frustrating for people who need a computer for the school year, for example, but I don’t know what people are expecting when we’re still on time by their current estimates.


Maybe if it had said “before Q4” it would have balanced the perceived expectations a little more :sweat_smile:


I’m keeping my eye on the i7-1360P page. That currently says shipping August, as soon as it says ‘ships within 5 business days’, I am hoping the AMD delivery emails won’t be too far behind.

I recently added an expansion card to my order. After I got that resolved I decided to ask support about an update. I found their response really annoying and left a bad taste in my mouth.

Me: When we pre-ordered our laptops, all of us who ordered Batch 1 remember that your system said that it would ship “early Q3”. Obviously, that isn’t going to happen now. However, since we all were told that, it would be really great to get an update on the earliest that we could get an email from you requesting payment. It’s been two months since Linus received his new AMD motherboard. Personally, I’m wasting too much time searching for any updates. A comment here would be greatly appreciated: [RESPONDED] AMD Batch 1 Guild


Hi Michael,

Thank you for your inquiry and we understand that you want to know the status of your order. e to assist you. Let’s see how we can help you with it.

Our apologies if you haven’t received any email updates from us. We know the wait can be difficult, but we kindly ask for your patience while we process your order. We aren’t currently able to provide order-specific ship date estimates narrower than the Q3 (July to September 2023) the Batch ships in due to a number of factors. We’re definitely working to improve the end-to-end process from order to shipment, and when things are less fluid, we’ll be able to provide more precise shipping dates in the future. You may refer to our process to the previously sent email.

​​Thank you for your inquiry and please, have a great day!


Framework Support

Me: You can at least estimate that it won’t ship in July, the first week in August (and probably the second?). Knowing that we won’t hear anything for at least two weeks is actually valuable to us. Simple updates in the batch 1 group would help. Again, we were told that Batch one would ship early in Q1. That time has passed.


Hi Michael,

Thanks for your response. Again apologies for not being able to provide specific ship date. Once there is a movement on your order we will be sending you an update. Should ship within Q3 (July to September 2023).

​​Thank you for your inquiry and please, have a great day!


Framework Support

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To be fair, in the pre-order confirmation PDF that I exported on the day I pre-ordered, it is written:

Estimated delivery date
Batch 1 - Ships Q3