[RESPONDED] Framework 16 (with GPU) - Debian 12 - Crashing on window resize

This worked for me, but I was confused at the first bullet point, so I’ll restate that for others.

First, you go to the firmware repo, then click on amdgpu (or you can just click this and you’ll be there already). Once there, click the Code button on the top right. Below Download Source Code choose the compression of choice; I chose zip. Download it to the directory of your choice, uncompress it, then navigate to the directory that produces (should be named something like linux-firmware-main-amdgpu). Inside that directory should be another directory named amdgpu.

Now, run the command ls /lib/firmware | grep amdgpu. You’ll notice that that directory has the exact same name as the directory found in that zipped file!

Now, run sudo rm -r /lib/firmware/amdgpu. Be careful, because after this step you have committed! Then, run sudo cp path/to/unzipped/amdgpu /lib/firmware. Then, follow Paul_Krischer’s instructions from the second bullet point.