[RESPONDED] Question About Fedora 39 Support

Hi, I was wondering which official spins of Fedora 39 (apart from Workstation) were officially supported. I personally do not like using modern GNOME and was looking at potentially using the official KDE Spin of Fedora 39 with my soon to be arriving Framework Laptop 16.

I think it’s all of them? Desktop environment shouldn’t really affect how well the distro works on hardware. If it’s worth anything, I have the Fedora 39 KDE Plasma spin on my framework 13 and it works great, so probably good on the 16 too.


Technically, only the default, Workstation/GNOME setup is “officially” supported. This means that if you have certain issues and request support from Framework, they may ask you to try a default GNOME install of Fedora (maybe via a live USB environment) to see if the problem remains.

But many of the spins work just fine (at least, on the FW 13, but I don’t expect the 16" to be any different), and I’ve seen Framework staff help folks in these forums with all kinds of Linux installs. But as for “official” support? That’s technically limited to Fedora workstation/GNOME.

That’s fine, as long as I can use a Workstation Live USB just to test any issues but use KDE Plasma for daily use. I can’t imagine too many issues would be very different between the two outside of DE specific issues. They use the same packages after all!

I have done very light and limited testing with Fedora KDE on the AMD 13 inch. However, generally speaking, the basics should be the same. Differences will fall into how the file manager works, display manager challenges may differ and potentially other differences.

Generally speaking, everything here will apply. Experiences that are off or wrong somehow, will need to be tested against the environment we test against however as we are a team of two people.

This exactly. Use what works best for you, but when something does sideways, test against the Live USB. This only falls down if we’re trying to spot a kernel issue…although a little grepping and dmesg work usually gets us through it on any desktop.

That is completely fair and fine by me. I’ll probably use EndeavourOS KDE as my daily driver instead (that’s what I use on all my computers except my Steam Deck OLED with Steam OS) but I’ll keep a Live USB with Fedora 39 Workstation or Ubuntu 24.04 (when it comes out) for testing if a problem is truly a problem on the “officially supported” Linux distros. After all, somebody is writing a community support guide for Arch Linux on the Framework Laptop 13 AMD and 16, and I want to help! :laughing:

I’ll take all the help I can get! :slight_smile: