Screen Problems


I’ve had my framework for a couple months now and I’ve noticed that the keyboard has start to dent the screen when I close the laptop. Any ideas to get rid orf this, nd avoid it in the future?


Hi and welcome to the forum

Dent the screen, that’s not possible :slight_smile:
Do you mean

  • leaves marks on the screen ~ lay a piece cloth of paper on the screen before closing

  • If it only closing make sure the battery is not puffed up

They look like marks but cant get rid of them, and they feel indented. I’ll check the battery though. If it is puffed, should I get a new one or is there something I can do with the one I have?


If it’s puffed get a new one, else protect the screen with cloth or paper.

How have you tried to get rid of the marks? It’s unlikely that the glass was dented by plastic :slight_smile:

Try a damp cloth with a tiny-tiny amount of washing-up liquid. Rub along the lines that show, not across them and support the back of the screen so as not to flex the display much.

Also get in touch with official support as if it is the battery they will no doubt provide a replacement.

It will take a few days at least given the weekend before you get a response.

Meanwhile ensure the battery doesn’t get to warm if you continue using it.
Using the BIOS set Battery Charge Limit to 78% for example so as not to force the battery.

Also try not to play intensive games that use the battery power quickly as that cretas heat

And do not let the battery discharge too much as at low charge supply power also heats the battery more.

Is this a pre-build ~ have you opened the laptop yet so know how to view the battery and check there is no gap between the top/keyboard [Input Cover] and the bottom [Chassis]

The parts should be in contact along the whole from edge

It was DIY,

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it :blush:

Ok so you can check the battery hasn’t swollen :slight_smile: and ensure the top and bottom fit nicely