Shipping dates FW 16

Since the blog posts are functionally ‘marketing’ for the FW16, I wonder if, due to the very high sales volume right out of the gate (documented above), that they are intentionally ‘throttling’ marketing on the FW16…

Doing so is probably intentional to keep them from getting ‘over their skis’ on this new product. Incidentally, they haven’t released a deep-dive since that preorder open date in July.


This was my thought as well. I normally do not like large laptops, but if I can just own one laptop forever, this would probably be it. I like the idea of it being like the ship of Theseus…I can keep upgrading and replace bad parts as needed. People saying “oh, but when it’s time to upgrade, do you really want an old worn out track pad and keyboard?” To that I say “I’d just replace them, what the heck you talking 'bout?”


I stopped doing laptops in general a few years ago, because Im to much a cluts and then the battery goes bad, so half my ports go and the battery gets ruined.

With the framework, it looks like it could really replace my current desktop, I got a new study room and fit my desktop, but its in the way when I swivel in my chair, so Ive bought a vesa mount, and a laptop dock, so that when my framework 16 gets here, I can really test if it can replace my desktop.

Then if I break a slot, or the battery goes bad, I can just replace them rather than having to keep it constantly plugged in or deal with broken slots.

I also tend to be rather picky, and there are a few things Im kinda questioning with the framework that Id normally be more hesident with, such as, the trackpad style, and the only laptop keyboard I know I really like, are the lenovo thinkpad styled keys, but I can affordably try new styles, and they can make new styles that can replace the old.

Its been so nice to be like “Oh if I get this and something goes wrong, or I dont like something, I can upgrade/replace them when available”

I did the same. During the whole Amazon Prime days, I got a motorized standing desk, office chair, monitor mounts, and splurged on the Caldigit TS4 dock. I also pulled out my old Akito Node to see if I can daisy chain it (had an old 1080Ti from my previous desktop). I’m using it for my work-issued laptop, but also hope it will work with my FW16 so I can use the same setup and just switch between work and play without having to deal with separate setups.

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Guess someone will need to set up a FW16 Batch guild like the FW13 customers have, soon.


Looks like someone did!

I’m in batch 5 though, so I feel left out, lol.

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I’m batch 12, so I feel even more left out … :sob:

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@Alan_Pearce batch 13 here :sob:
Let’s just wait for everyone else to report and fix all the bugs, so we can have a nice and stable machine :sweat_smile:


Batch 1 standing by. We are ready to hold the line!


Thank you for your service. You fight so that we can be free.

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Do I hear a StarCitizen?


We’ve made dozens of small mechanical and electrical changes over the last couple of months, and we’ll be sharing some highlights on these over the coming weeks along with more detail on the schedule for mass production.

As a member of Batch 3, I’m pushing my expectations out to January. As a reader of the deep dives, though, I think I see them right around the corner!


After that blog post I am also more optimistic of getting my batch 3 order before new year’s again. Really looking forward to those updates on their challenges and production state!

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Honestly as impressive as this machine is, these “dozens of small changes” mean almost just as much!

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I’m hoping batch one isnt to far away, I recon its about 3 weeks away, and with that batch, theyll have a blog post saying there plans with batches and raising productions.


Batch 12 for me as well, I’m guess LATE Q1 for me. I’d hope beginning of March maybe, but more likely end of March. sigh Maybe we’ll get lucky and after the first 2-3 batches they’ll be dialed in and speed things up even more, but probably not.

Hahaha I did not expect anyone to pick up on that. Yes you do! :smiley:

Hehe, I was wondering if it was just my bias coming through after backing SC for 10 years. I’m Cathodion over there: Cathodion | cathodion - Brothers in Arms | ARMS (Brother) - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

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I hope framework does not become my next Star Citizen. I need a new laptop this decade.