Should I upgrade to Win 11

Using 10 Pro Mostly works fine but doesn’t pick up the TPM module apparently a known thing! I dual book with ubuntu but wondered if people think 11 is a woryhwhile jump - yet?

I hate the w11 ui changes so I will be running mine in w10 until it is no longer supported. Hopefully by the time windows 10 is end of life all programs that I want will be supported in Linux.


I upgraded to 11 I can always rollback to 10 Pro if needed!
FYI to override the TPM check use setup.exe /product server Win 11 then upgrades happily and finds the TPM which 10 pro cant see so mounted the 11 iso and ran that setup command

tl;dr start dabbling in other OS’s so you aren’t backed into something you have no choice in using.

Totally up to you. I did early beta on 11, hated it. Tried 11 again last year, still hated it. Tried it again in January and still hated it. There are so many features missing from 10, and heck so many features in 7 missing in 10 and 11. And so many poor UI choices all around. And so many things you have to do to get around Microsoft trying to worm their way into making Windows into SaaS that I finally said enough of this nonsense and went *nix at the beginning of February after I got my first ad in Windows from Microsoft.

I will say it has not been smooth. I’ve had to go through several distros that were painful in some form or another, until landing on Fedora with KDE. But I’d rather bite the bullet now and know I can go back to a version of Windows that is still supported that is tolerable (Win 10.) vs waiting until after 10 is EOLed and Microsoft really does something that I can’t stand on 11 or 12 where I’m backed into a corner.


EOL doesn’t mean inoperable. It’s just mean it’s no longer officially supported. You can still use it as long as you want

Also, uTorrent is malware(hidden crypto miner) use qbittorrent instead

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I upgraded my Windows VM to 11 and disabled all tracking and telemetry and restored the old UI via registry edits.


I thought they broke the ui restore using register edits in one of the updates. I’ve tried it on my work computer (where I was forced to do the “upgrade”) and it didn’t do anything.

Best response :smiley:

I hated Windows 10, and 11 was so much more of the same disregard for end users’ ownership of their own lives, nevermind computers. Microsoft is dead to me, wouldn’t have it any other way.

That said, if you are staying on Windows… why upgrade to 11 before you have to? Windows 10 EoL for Home and Pro editions is October 14, 2025, so even if you do want to keep on security updates, you’ve got another year and a half or so.

I think there’s a misconception about the so-called “security update”, an EOL system doesn’t suddenly becomes insecure out of thin air. It’s all start with Windows 10 forcing windows update, and fearmongering by Microsoft might be possible to make their forced updates “justifiable”. For FOSS system like Linux there’s no force, you just sudo apt-get update when ever you want.

I hated Windows 10, and 11 was so much more of the same disregard for end users’ ownership of their own lives, nevermind computers.

As you already said, the biggest threat is Microsoft’s anti-consumer practices, rather than some random hackers

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no such misconception here… but as a practical matter, it’s impossible to know what you don’t know about the current state of exploitation of vulnerabilities on an unmaintained OS (or an up-to-date OS for that matter, though you’d hope maintainers are as responsive as they can be, as they become aware of bugs and vulnerabilities, especially those which are being actively exploited).

I guess you could read all the patch notes for some LTS Windows edition, while those last, assuming they’re publicly available. Can’t see actually bothering with that.

That Windows is relatively safe to use on the Internet today is only a consequence of the security religion that Microsoft picked up around XP SP2, back in the early 2000s. It’s been an arms race ever since then.


If I may make a suggestion, Windows 10 IoT LTSC has security updates until 2032, and is running on my current laptop. It doesn’t have a lot of the pesky feature updates that just add AI junk, and it has significantly less out-of-the-box bloat than the typical Windows install. I’ve found that it runs a tad better as a result, though not a massive amount.

It would require reinstalling your OS, but if you just want Windows 10 with security updates, I think it’s the way to go.


Does it require a special license or will my windows 10 pro license work on it?

I don’t think that the Pro license would carry over, as IoT LTSC is in a different “category” of product so to speak. I do think they use a different key activation method as well.

So after upgrading to 11 everything is recognized including the TPM module
Not sure if I prefer 11 or not, I’ve used 10 for so long I’m used to it!. I know Microsoft are pushing people off 10 much in the same way they did with 7. I guess I will see how it goes.
Rather than dual boot I guess I could launch a win VM inside ubuntu, but don’t know if that’s worthwhile now it dual booting happily anyway. I do have some software that is windows only and a GF what isn’t so keen on Linux so need windoze for now!

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I know the official solution would probably be to “upgrade” to windows 11, but has anyone who is running windows 10 seen this?

If you have were you able to find drivers for these devices?

And before you suggest, I am not moving to windows 11 as they removed the ability to revert the ui changes.

nvm installing the driver updater for windows 10 listed here: fixed the majority of them.


The TPM module isnt compatible with windows 10 but I think most of the others went away after installing the drivers - I can confirm everything works after win 11 upgrade, but understand why many dont want to take that step!

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Same with the Ryzen 7, the one chipset driver download fixed everything except the Pluton processor which just isn’t for Windows 10, so screw it.

Win 11 works fine. I don´t like it much, because of the dumbed down UI. You just have to take extra needles steps, to find something you used regularly in Win 10. Like people became baboons, and forgot how to use normal windows tools…especially funny when using Pro. I could understand it with the Home edition, but Pro? Makes no sense. Sometimes it feels like someone had to do some extra useless work to justify his or her job, just not to get fired. Some functional additions are nice, and some completely worthless. But in the end it is like Windows 10. Horrible at the beginning, but got better over the years.

Yeah, I try to keep reminding myself that anything new is going to be unfamiliar and I’m going to fumble with it at first, but over time it should become as natural as the old thing, but I still haven’t warmed up to 11 after a couple years now. The UI is worse and annoying on multiple fronts, and I can’t think of a single new feature that I find valuable. And don’t get me started on all the AI-driven gimmicks…

So needless to say, I’m gonna keep my FW16 on Windows 10 for as long as I can. I only need it for a couple programs anyway. I’m looking forward to getting to know Fedora on the other half of the main drive. I really like KDE so far!