[SHOWCASE / RFC] Patched kernel to run internal display at lower minimum brightness

When reading through [SOLVED] Even lower screen brightness? - #67 by Leonard I discovered on the FW13 it is possible reduce minimum brightness on the screen below what seems supported.

I have therefor created a patched linux-zen kernel and decided to just share it with everyone here if you wish to try this on your FW16 instead (like I did, currently running it in fact): GitHub - Doridian/linux-zen-dori

I am looking for comments/feedback mainly as for:

  • Does this work for you? Does the screen get darker then before? (It does work for me, but I’d like to make sure it works for everyone)
  • Are there concerns? Is there a reason not to do this? Could this damage the screen / PWM controllers / etc? (I doubt it, but I am not an expert by any means here)

Reason I’m soliciting this feedback is mainly because I am thinking about upstreaming this (a more clean version of the patch using the new quirks feature introduced in the above thread for FW13, which should be in 6.14 I think?)

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