[Showcase] Touchscreen e-paper input module

Very WIP, but it works!
Schematics and board files: GitHub - arthomnix/FW16_EPD: [WIP] Touchscreen e-paper input module for Framework Laptop 16


Nice!!! A second screen is useful, but e-ink makes it even better, What is the BOM cost?

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Probably somewhere around £50 (less if you’re buying in quantity), most of which is the panel itself
I ended up paying closer to £160 (including shipping, taxes, 5 PCBs and enough components to make 2 extra boards except the panels)

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How is the height of the e-paper screen?

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About the same height as the spaces between the keys on the keyboard



This is awesome!


Are you planning to building and shipping this to potential customers?

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This is awesome! Probably the best way to display system info without draining the battery!
If you are planning on selling these once you’re happy with it, I’m 100% down!

Adding my name to the list of interested parties if this ever is produced for sale.

I’d be 100% up to buy this if possible one day!

I would pay so much for this