Today I received my Framework 13-AMD (specifically, the processor is the 764OU). The BIOS is version JFP30.03.05. (Perhaps an update is available but, as I proceed to explain, I’m not in a position to update it yet.)
So far - because of nonsense with a locked disk that is not relevant here - I had used the computer only when (1) booted to a minimal Linux distribution (the one that comes with the ‘sedtool’ ISO image) and (2) when running the ‘live’ version of Linux Mint. But in those environments I have noticed that, when seemingly under little load, the fan will go from being off to going loudly, and then go off again, all in a period of approximately 0.5 (half) a second to 1 (one) second. Clearly that behaviour is pointless, distracting and will needlessly stress the fan.
I’m new; is there a known problem with fans? This post seems to suggest that there is.