Sleep does not sleep with power attached - Windows 10

I’m running Windows 10 on my framework laptop. I don’t have any issues with sleep in battery mode at the moment. The laptop goes to sleep mode as expected (power button slowly blinks).

But with the power adapter attached it is just not working. I press the power button and it seems like only the display is turned off and windows is locked. Also the fan turns on and ramps up to 80% within 30 seconds. The same happens when i close the lid. I can also wake the laptop by typing on my external keyboard, on which i explicitly deactivated waking up from sleep in the device manager.

Does anyone have similar problems or a solution for that?

I’m not complaining about battery drain or “modern standby” here. For me “sleep” just seems to have completely different behaviour with or without power adapter.

Yes i have…

I searched again and powercfg -devicequery wake_armed shows every device that is able to wake the laptop from sleep. There were some devices (network adapter but also Thunderbolt stuff) and i deactivated waking up for every single device through the device manager. After a reboot it seems to be solved.
I hope deactivating wake up from sleep for every device does not have any negative sideffects.

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Update: No it was still not the solution. powercfg -devicequery wake_armed says NONE but still most times my laptop won’t go to sleep.

As far as I see my laptop shipped with 3.07 Bios.


Is it possible it’s the lid sensor? Does manually setting it to sleep work?

Thanks you very much for your advice!

I am pretty sure I already installed it before, but I did it again and the problem is still happening.

Not even selecting “sleep” in the windows menu works.

The weirdest thing with the problem is that the fan goes from idle too full speed in the not working sleep mode.

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I am experiencing the same problem on Windows 11, 3.07 BIOS and updated Intel drivers. The device won’t sleep with the AC adaptor connected, but is able to while on battery. However, connecting the AC adaptor also wakes the device. Hoping to find a solution for this, too.

Edit: @Lukas I seem to have been able to make it work by disabling Fast Startup. Start → Control Panel → System and Security → Power Options → Choose What the Power Button Does → click “Change settings that are currently unavailable” and disable Fast Startup. Then restart your computer. This toggle doesn’t seem to apply unless a restart is done. Hopefully this works for you.

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Maybe it’s because he had not performed a actual restart (rather than shutting down and booting up)?

What fast startup do is, when shutting down, it saves the system kernel to harddrive when it shuts down (so it never actually reloads the kernel). However a restart will not save the kernel and thus reload it. The reason it’s called “fast startup” is because loading kernel drivers can be slow (especially on HDDs), and skipping that allows the system to startup faster.

This is also why by default Hibernation is turned off because “fast startup” is technically already a type of hibernation, except only for kernel.

I’m curious to see how the device will perform without any Framework-specific drivers. In theory there is nothing (about this laptop, at least driver-wise), that is framework-specific.

I already disabled fast startup a while ago because I was satisfied with the startup time and wanted to get a longer SSD lifetime. Did you check multiple times that it works? I realized yesterday that the sleep mode sometimes works for me, especially when I just booted. But like 10% of all tries seem to work.

Another short update: I now set the timeout for sleep in the energy settings to 5 minutes, waited a few times for that and after 5 Minutes the laptop went into sleep normally three times in a row…

It’s really weird…

Thanks for the info, appreciated. I suspect this is probably a driver problem as well. I doubt it’s Framework-specific as this problem has been documented in the Microsoft forums as far back as 2015. Template replies as usual with no proper resolution.

Hmm… Now that I did more testing, the behavior is at best inconsistent for me as well despite Fast Startup turned off. Strange.

This is kind of a shot in the dark, but when I had Windows 10 on my machine, it did this as well. I found that switching from S0 standby connected to S0 standby disconnected did the trick. Basically modern standby is pure garbage.


I meant these settings:

You get directly to that page when you type “energy” into the windows search bar.

Thank you for your recommandation, I’m going to check that today. If that also does not work I will try upgrading to Windows 11.

The one step you can take further if that doesn’t work, is FORCE S3 standby and disable modern standby altogether. That WILL work for sure, but I am not sure about the repercussions of that as the hardware was not designed with S3 in mind. I did run Windows using S3 for a while though, and it seemed stable to me. I was using standby only if I knew I would be back in a few hours. Anything beyond that and I was and still am hibernating the machine.

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Thank you so much, that did the job! I don’t see any profits from modern standby anyway. I just checked my former laptop and my work laptop and they both only support S3. Never had a problem with that.

As far as I can tell S3 is stable on the framework laptop. From what i read if the laptop does not support it, it should crash directly after wake up and you would need to force shutdown. But as I said, for me it fully works.

I used this guide for deactivating modern standby.


the claims are big, however it never seem to work. Why does it never seem to work, I don’t know.

Why do you have to hack registry? Can’t you disable it from bios?