[SOLVED] Laptop going to sleep even when I type

Hi community,
My laptop goes to sleep while I am working, even though the battery is full and laptop plugged in.
Any clues?

Only thing I can think of is you are perhaps wearing something with a magnet in it that is setting off the lid sensor. WIthout real info I can’t even begin to guess…i.e. OS, and full hardware description, BIOS, and whether firmware is fully updated.


Windows 11 Home, up to date, 11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz, 16,0GB RAM, 64bit.
I have sent an email to framework, because I think this requires some tech support.

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This is always* a magnet triggering the lid closed switch. Do you have an iPhone in your pocket or otherwise near the laptop? There are a lot of magnets in smartphones.

*I guess it’s possible that there’s another cause sometimes, but the magnet thing happens all the time

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Get out! That must be it. Thank you so much. I had no idea.