[SOLVED] Laptop won't power on

I tried turning my laptop on, the power button lights up but the monitor doesn’t turn on. I found an article about how to Fully Reset the Mainboard State, and I did that, but still nothing.

The LED lights were showing me 12 green and then GBBGBGGG

I tried resetting the mainboard again and switching my ram slot, and it turned on once, but froze right after the framework logo screen.

Now the LED lights are showing 12 green and then BBGGGBBG

Based on some other topics I saw I think that is 11000110 and then you turn it backwards 01100011 and get the hex which would be 63. And then according to this page, [Framework Laptop port80 codes · GitHub ]

DXE_FAULT_TOLERANCE_FCHECK_FAILED 0x63 // Platform does not comply with the BIOS update fault tolerance requirement.

So I’m wondering if I got the error code right, and if so what does that mean? I submitted a support ticket but they sent a message back saying no one would get to them until the 26th.

I had Ubuntu 22.04.1 installed, it’s the DIY Edition 12th Gen Intel Core with 1 stick of 32 gig ram. Any help would be appreciated.

I’m the Linux Support Lead, I am looking at your ticket right now. The message is correct that we’ll be out for the holidays:

  • December 23rd through December 26th (Christmas Break)
  • December 30th through January 2nd (New Years Break)

That said, based on what you described, this will need attention on the ticket itself as this will likely fall to the hardware team.

But while I have you here, which article and steps did you follow?
This is the article you should be using as a guide: Fully Resetting the Mainboard State - Framework Guides

Please try these steps very carefully, following each step exactly. This may not solve the issue, but most likely will at least help us determine if this is going to be a needed reset or if the board needs to be looked at.

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So I followed the ‘Fully Reset the Mainboard State’ guide after I reassembled and tried it again, still just the power light on and the side

LED lights were showing me 12 green and then GBBGBGGG

I tried resetting the mainboard again and switching my ram in the other slot, and it turned on once, but froze right after the framework logo screen.

Now the LED lights are showing 12 green and then BBGGGBBG
Or GBBGBGGG again.

Well that’s not what I had hoped for. Best course of action is to reach out to support for hardware assistance. As I noted previously, we’re off the the holidays so the above listed days off and on are where that’s at.

Please link to this thread in the ticket (this will help).

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Thanks, I sent a support request.

I actually made a little progress. When I put in a usb stick with Ubuntu on it, it powered on and I was able to get into the OS by first going to recovery mode and then resuming normal boot.

It freezes if I try and go right into the os though and without the usb drive, it’s not powering on and giving me a different LED error code…

Support is handling this, so marking this as resolved. Please continue to work with support to get this resolved.