[SOLVED] Visual artifacts and GPU crash while watching videos

This started happening recently (maybe a couple of weeks?).
Whenever I’m watching a yt video fullscreen, I eventually start seeing some green, blocky artifacts.
Sometimes the glitch is temporary and goes away on its own, other times it worsens to the point the entire screen becomes a pixelated gibberish and I can only reboot my system (or fallback to a TTY).

Has anybody else experienced this?

I suspect some recent kernel/firmware/mesa problem…

journalctl -b -11 | grep amdgpu is here:

I’m running opensuse TW, latest snapshot.


See: [AMD] 6.10 green blocks on fullscreen toggle video playing (#3437) · Issues · drm / amd · GitLab

TLDR: already fixed in mesa (yet to be released)


Wow that was fast, thanks!