My speakers sometimes randomly put themselves in a “low volume” mode where I can hardly hear the sound.
It often happens after I have paused/un-paused a youtube video (for instance).
The problem seems to fix itself after some time without playing sound.
Does anyone have the same kind of problem ?
I can tell you it’s not universal as I’ve never seen it with Windows 11.
Thanks for your answer. I am on windows 10, so it is indeed maybe linked to this …
Good day. This just happened to me. Suddenly volume dropped significantly.
I’d say it’s at 20% of what is was minutes ago…
Master volume is at 100%
In mixer volume is 100% for all apps
Video player volume is at 100%
Windows “reduced volume during communications” crap is turned off.
Restarted the device, and volume is now back at it’s full capacity. No settings changed.
This is a real bug i can totally confirm and is framework laptop specific.
I have had this same problem. Disabling and re-enabling the various sound devices seem to do the trick.
I want to say it’s the “AMD High Definition Audio Device”, but I have also had instances where that didn’t work.
It seems to be less volume and more just the (software) EQ completely blowing up.