[TRACKING] Fingerprint reader failing to register on 13th gen

@Matt_Hartley I’m happy to be contacted by email too. Framework 13, 13th gen.

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I am more than happy to test out firmware, and you’re more than welcome to contact me by email.

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I’ve already done the fix but happy to test the new firmware too. Intel 13th gen running Fedora and happy for you to email me.

Ran Windows at one time - 

Only in a VM in order to run the fingerprint driver

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Those who remember to (Indicate which)
Framework 13 (13th gen)
Replaced input cover from original in 11th/12th gen Framework 13.

will be contacted. :slight_smile:

Willing to test.
Framework 13 (13th gen) Fedora 38 XFCE spin

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Hi Matt,

Coming out the woodwork too here! Willing to contribute.

  • Framework 13 DIY (13th Gen).
  • Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS Jammy.
  • Goodix 27c6:609c.
  • No manual firmware.
  • Ubuntu 22.04 installation guide.

Cheers for the recent activity on this thread - stumbled by a while back and there was nada so left it for a while. I bet my hat there’s more of us out there!.. :slight_smile:

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Willing to test as noted here and in the open support ticket:

Framework 13 (DIY - 13th gen)
Fedora 38
No update to firmware

You have many additional details in the still open support ticket you were communicating with me on.

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Hey @Matt_Hartley,
Currently running Fedora 38 on Framework 13 13th gen, happy to test.

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Thanks Kreese :slight_smile:

Happy to test. Ubuntu 23.04 on 13th gen Intel. I have already updated the fingerprint firmware via Windows 11 in a VM.

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Framework 13, feel free to contact me. I’ve got a recently installed system and I didn’t try and fix it so its clean. I’m running Ubuntu 22.04 with KDE on top.

I’ve been a sysadmin/programmer/SRE for 30+ years. I’ll give you complete feedback.

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framwork 13th gen, fedora 38
I’m happy to help test

Running Fedora 6.4.4, please contact me for additional information!

Happy to test.

Framework 13 (13th gen)
Currently Fedora, but happy to swap to Ubuntu if needed.

I’m willing as well, I’m running intel 13th gen Ubuntu 22.04.2

I set my Framework Laptop 13 (13th Gen Intel) with Ubuntu 22.04 today and attempted to set up the fingerprint reader, but it said it “Couldn’t claim” it.

I’ve searched for a while now and even installed a driver or two I thought would work, but nothing made any difference.

I’ve read that it is compatible, isn’t compatible, and I don’t know which one is right. Is it supported or not?

I’m also open to switching my distro, if it’s supported on another.

Are you dual booting? If so, only one OS can claim the fingerprint sensor.

If not, it’s a known issue that’s currently being worked on.

This is a known issue due to the vendor updating firmware.
See: Fingerprint reader failing to register on 13th gen - #95 by Isaac_Trefz
From what I’m seeing, they are actively testing a fix now.

I’m not dual booting. I guess I’ll just do without the feature for the time being and wait for a fix. Thanks to both of you!

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