July 1, 2023, 2:57am
We tend to end up with a lot of laptops as we go through development, so I designed a 3d printable parametric multi-laptop holder:
It’s sized for Framework Laptop 13, but can be adjusted easily for other gadgets.
As I don’t have a 3D printer myself I’d buy these if they were made out of some stronger material that will last me a decade or two.
Thanks for making these models public for those who have!
There are lots of 3D printing services now. If you get it made out of ABS it will easily outlive your laptop.
If you get it made out of some carbon fiber infused filament it will probably outlive anyone reading this.
July 7, 2023, 5:14pm
How does this gadget perform for laptops that are operating? Given that closing the lid obstructs part of the airflow on a framework, is it advisable to use this stand for a laptop that is operating?
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I’ve had mine in the closed lid, upright position for weeks now. No issues, the stand has enough gap to allow great airflow.