Hi, So about two weeks ago a capacitor on my Framework 13 (AMD 7840U) Mainboard popped.
No idea why or how, all I know is that my laptop instantly became a very fancy paperweight.
I decided to contact support to see if this was covered under warranty, which I was really hoping for, considering I spent $700ish on upgrading the mainboard from the 12th gen intel and I’d already gave the old mainboard to a family member.
So I opened a ticket, took some pictures of the damage like they asked, and they did tell me that the mainboard needed replacement, and they asked for a delivery address.
But the next day I got another email saying that they were escalating the ticket, and I haven’t heard back in nearly a week. No status, no ticket number, no tracking number, nada. All other replies and communications have taken around a day or less to get a response.
I live in the US, so I’m pretty sure freight forwarding shouldn’t enter into it?
I’ve never really had to submit a warranty claim with anyone before (other than lenovo, who just told me to take a long walk off a short pier from the get-go) So I don’t know if I’ve messed up something here or if this is normal procedure.
Does anyone have some information or advice?
Not having a laptop isn’t a critical emergency for me, but I am starting to get antsy wondering what’s going on.
Thank you as well. Again, I’ve never had an experience with a warranty where I wasn’t just immediately told to buzz off and buy a whole new laptop out of pocket before (Which is why I got a framework to begin with).
So knowing that it’s normal to have a decent chunk of wait time after that first “We’ll replace it” email does make me feel better.
Thank you for the confirmation!
Again, it’s not the wait that has me anxious as much as not knowing.
In any case, I actually just heard back from support with the official replacement confirmation and order number. So, I’m actually REALLY pleased right now.