Why isn't the wifi slot an E+M key to maximize flexibility and reusability with SSDs? 1x lane of PCIe 2 is still ~500MB/s

(I didn’t really know where else to post this since it applies to both the Framework 13 and 16 at this time)

While viewing the following thread where the m.2 2280 slot was repurposed for an eGPU and the wifi m.2 E-key slot was repurposed for an SSD:

This got me wondering why isn’t the wifi card slot an E+M key in the first place? Isn’t Framework’s whole point about flexibilty and reusability?

I know the Framework 16 has two M-key m.2 slots, but when paired with the Cooler Master case for use as a SFF desktop PC, there’s much less need for wifi at which point being able to use the second m.2 slot as a second SSD seems kind of like a no-brainer (especially since it looks like it already “just works”, albeit on Linux?)

And besides, once (if?) a similar sort of stand-alone case for the Framework 16 mainboard is made, it’d make a lot of sense to keep the expansion bay as the dGPU since battery life wouldn’t be a concern, and then you could use the wifi slot for a third m.2 SSD rather than sacrificing the dGPU for the upcoming 2x m.2 expansion.

(alternatively, if an expansion bay module is made that lets you have something like 3 extra expansion card slots, then that would obviously make a lot of sense for a desktop use-case)

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