WiFi no longer works after upgrading

OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
Laptop: 13th gen Framework 13

I got a notification that there were software updates for my computer so I ran sudo apt-get upgrade and rebooted and now the Wi-Fi says it’s “unavailable” and no networks are visible.

On the grub prompt, boot into one older kernel (previous one).

Under ubuntu, If you don’t see the grub boot prompt, edit the /etc/default/grub file and adapt the 3 first lines to look like:


then reinstall grub with: sudo update-grub
and reboot. Then you’ll have the boot menu.

Don’t know the process on pop-os though.

Pop!_OS doesn’t use grub. It uses systemd.

I was able to boot into the recovery menu and launch the old kernel. My wifi is back! But how do I fix this for the future?

Well, it seems there is a regression in the current kernel.
Make sure you notify it to the development team at Pop!_OS so they can make sure to fix it.

That’s the price of living on the bleeding edge. Happens also under Ubuntu.

A common cause is the kernel not being able to find the wifi firmware.
dmesg | grep mt
Should tell you if it worked or not.
If not, update-initramfs with appropriate kernel options should let the kernel see the firmware.

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A bodged linux-firmware package got pushed out. It’s been recalled now. If you cannot update normally to downgrade the packaged, you can use the debian package specific to your OS

As you are on 22.04, it will be this link https://apt-origin.pop-os.org/release/pool/jammy/linux-firmware/9061b5f6a06bbdabcf450ccb3cf621240ab88593/linux-firmware_20240610.git1d67e66d-0pop1%2Bsystem76~1732201256~22.04~9061b5f_amd64.deb