Will Framework 13 AMD support 15W charging?

As commented in http://community.frame.work/t/usb-c-charging/447/3:

I have spent some time making sure our charging can support as many chargers as possible, and our battery buck-boost charging architecture supports any charger voltage from 5V to 20V.
The Laptop is designed to operate with chargers 60W+, but we can support anything down to about 15W -

Does the same thing applies to the comming AMD laptop?

I don’t see why not, as that circuitry is relatively independent of the processor.

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I’m asking because the AMD version is going to get a somehow limited set of usb-c connectors compared to the intel version, so I don’t think is obvious if the charging stuff has been changed.

USB-C charging works on all four slots on the AMD boards.

13 gen AMD compare See Interfaces section

Supporting USB4/DP for upper left and right slots, USB 3.2/DP for lower right slot and USB 3.2 only for lower left slot, along with USB-C power input on all four slots