Windows 11 (in VM) won't let me install drivers.exe

I have managed to install Win 11 successfully (in a VM)

Didn’t test it on bare metal and it could work fine, but the drivers file seems to tell me I don’t have a Ryzen CPU, despite having the Ryzen 5…

It does however say something about intel in my wifi settings, eventhough I have nothing intel in my laptop, can it be that my hardware isnt being recognized correctly and I can’t run the drivers program?

VMs tend to emulate Intel hardware for networking because those are usually supported by most OS. This has nothing to do with the real network hardware, unless you use passthrough and thus making the hardware unavailable for the host.

CPUs on the other hand, are nowadays usually no longer emulated but shared with the host. That is why Windows can recognize your Ryzen.

It looks like the driver bundle looks for a specific hardware element of the FW13 that is not available in the VM and needs to be passed through for the drivers to work. But I can’t say what since I “only” have a FW16.

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This has already been a massive help, so its safe to install outside of an VM.

It looks like the driver bundle looks for a specific hardware element of the FW13 that is not available in the VM and needs to be passed through for the drivers to work. But I can’t say what since I “only” have a FW16.

I think it could be the mediatek wifi card that isn’t being passed through and I did want that to primarily install drivers for wifi…

Is it possible to install the intel drivers for the thing its emulating? Tbh I have other virtual mashines that I haven’t been able to get any type of internet to work (bcs I’m a noob)

I remember using virtual mashines before on my old mashine and that just used to work instantly… But back then I didn’t have the specs to run them really, now its this issue :frowning:

This should help: virtio-win-pkg-scripts/ at master · virtio-win/virtio-win-pkg-scripts · GitHub

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