Windows 11 Touchpad drivers installed, click only works 20% of the time

Howdy, I know there’s plenty of threads about tap to click and scrolling not working right on the 12th gen framework if you don’t have the driver package installed. But, I do have the drivers and Taps and gestures work great. The physical “click” only registers about one in 5 times when using the trackpad. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a setting or something I need to change (I’m new to Windows 11) or if I actually have a bum track pad on my unit (it’s only about 2 months old) or if this is just how the trackpad is (it’s super obnoxious so, I doubt it).

I have this problem as well, i5 11th gen, I have been trying things with support for a few weeks, and finally we are trying a new touchpad. I have not gotten it in the mail yet, but I hope it fixes my issue. Its not windows specific for me either, I get it both in linux and windows. Seems that a hard firm press in the center of the touchpad helps “fix” it quicker.

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the replacement touch pad has fixed my issue.

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