FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Well that’s not what we meant at all! :slightly_smiling_face:

If you want to hang out here and have fun, by all means, please do! We’ll keep it open, it’s OK!

If you have a problem you’d like help with, please post in an existing thread or start a new one if a search doesn’t come up with anything. Your issue is probably not related to Batch 1 and others may benefit from it, so putting it here hides it.

Similarly if you come up with something cool that will benefit everybody, like @James_Croney’s awesome Linux bootloader theme, please share it in its own thread so everyone can see it and benefit. It’ll be hard to find if it gets left here while the other batches ship and everyone moves on.

So go ahead, have fun here. You are in an exclusive club, you’re the first to get the Framework 16. We’ll keep the thread open for fun.