[RESPONDED] 11th Gen Intel Core BIOS 3.17 Release

The above few comments refer back to @Chr using a Windows OS, so I’m a bit concerned that a similar thing with Linux is not quite the issue.

I have Ubuntu on an expansion card so I will try 5 different makes of flash drives in all four bays out of interest under Ubuntu 22.10

After contacting support, I ran the driver pack install, flashed from 3.17->3.10, USB ports were working. Then reflashed BIOS back up to 3.17 and USB ports still working. :person_shrugging:

It does seem like somethings a little wonky with this release.


I don’t think the USB issue is related to the firmware. I still haven’t updated to 3.17 and have had the occasional problem for several months. In my case leaving the laptop powered off for a few hours always fixes it.

Just tried 5 different makes of flash drives in each of the four ports.
All hot swapped, even the expansion card.

All were immediately recognised 20|20 vision with Windows 11

I have seen very similar issues on some server hardware. Some parts of the intel ME flashing process (silently) failed. The system mostly worked, but the usb ports were not correctly passed through to the OS. The fix was to re-flash the same (new) version and it always solved the issue.

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@Kieran_Levin - apologies for piling on here, but if there will be an 11th gen update, can the issue with the firmware needing to pass a value to allow 6e bands to be active be included? I will try to grab the various posts and link the information here so that you don’t have to track it down. Thanks, and have a great day!

Update to add links to info:

The first post in this thread lays things out: Kernel 5.16 6Ghz Disabled AX210

Then there is discussion here where it looks like things work ok in the 12th gen machines but not the 11th gen ones: [TRACKING] Does anyone have wifi 6e working in linux with the AX210?


so, can we comment out DisableCapsuleUpdateonDisk=true after applying this update?

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Since this update is marked here as stable, can you also update the information on LVFS?


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@Kieran_Levin bumping this, since I just noticed that the latest fwupd changelog (in testing for F38 for example) contains:

Use a CapsuleOnDisk filename supported by InsydeH2O

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I’d like to avoid opening a support ticket for this since I know they’re swamped: do we have an ETA on the firmware to enable the new battery to use full capacity on the 11th gen? My new expanded capacity battery is just sitting on my shelf and 11% would make all the difference going into the school year. Thanks!

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I know they’re swamped

“Swamped” is a choice. Orders for the 16 vastly exceeded predictions which means so will profits. They could chose to funnel that windfall into more staff to help get un-swamped.

I’m beginning to think that everyone on these BIOS update threads should open a support ticket so the issues will show up in official metrics where they’re more likely to be noticed by decision-makers.


At this point, they have only gotten $100 for each pre-order, while there may be a lot of them, they are also likely trying to recoup money from the creation of the laptops and save up some money for building the next batch. Framework are not stupid, and take staffing decisions seriously. You can’t just make more employees appear out of thin air. Even if they started hiring more staff the instant they realized that they were going to get way more pre-orders than they thought I doubt they would be ready to go by now.

I’m all for criticizing bad customer service, but this is clearly not a choice. Framework knows that people want this, and they are trying their hardest even with all the firmware issues they are experiencing with AMD, delays from Insyde, and still being a small team.


That’s exactly what they’re doing. It takes time to get more support agents onboarded.


It is the same for Gen12. No ETA, no information, nothing for months, 9 months for Gen12.

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Few things.

When we release something, it must undergo extensive testing. So yes, this is an ongoing process and not one that has been abandoned.

We are very aware of it. However, this is absolutely not going to make things faster. I appreciate the sense of urgency, but this statement is neither helpful or constructive.

The TLTR is we’ve heard you and once I have updates, I will be posting them immediately.

I appreciate everyone’s patience. As soon as I have an update, I will be posting to this thread.

Your feedback is valid, it has been heard and we’re working on getting you an update.

We now ask for your continued patience while we get you a proper status report.


Thank you for writing this and having patience with us users. I wish you, the devs and support the time and energy to continue. Im ofcourse looking forward to news, updates and especially a relatively stable bios update.
Have a wonderful day, you all.


Thanks @CodeAsm, it’s appreciated.


Just a note that we are in release preparation for the next BIOS release at the moment for 11th Gen. We do have the Windows version of the next Beta release currently, but we’ve been delayed on preparing the Linux version of it. Our goal is to always be able to release Windows and Linux versions simultaneously.

Starting with this release and going forward, we are revamping our BIOS release process overall. Our mission is focused on product longevity, and ongoing software support is a key part of that.
We’ll be sharing more detail on this, but some of the changes will include:

  1. When we launch a Beta, we’ll be sharing the target schedule for promotion from Beta to final release. Our default schedule will be two weeks. If we see feedback from the community around new regressions or other issues with the release, we’ll determine whether we need additional time in Beta or a follow on release before final. In each case, we’ll make sure to communicate any schedule changes.
  2. We’re working with our upstream suppliers on getting dedicated staffing into place for sustaining software development. This means we’ll be able to resolve some of the delays we’ve had thus far in timely BIOS releases. Note that with this, we’ll have dedicated support in place within Framework, with the upstream supplier to us (Compal), and the upstream supplier to them (Insyde). However, there will still be suppliers further upstream of that (e.g. Intel or other silicon vendors) that we have less visibility or control over.

@nrp This is greatly appreciated. Lack of timeliness in communication has become my no.1 gripe with your product but hearing that you guys are restructuring your release process gives me hope here. Thank you.

I am most gratified to read this in particular

As it was beginning to feel like Framework was pivoting to new product release after new product release and leaving the rest of us behind (to me). So thank you again.