2nd gen webcamera module experience

So I got the 2nd gen webcamera module today (the newest one currently available) and just went through the experience of installing it on the Framework 16 and I figured I would share my experience, since I didn’t really see a post about it.

The box itself I have some feedback for.

As a framework 16 owner you can probably immediately see why the box itself sends mixed signals.
Nowhere on the box does it say that it’s Framework 16 compatible, when it has been stated that it is (the order page doesn’t mention it either).

Next I unpack it and get ready to install it. The QR code on the back of the box takes you to this guide.
You will very quickly see when following it that it does not apply to Framework 16.
It for example mentions opening the lid 180 degrees. I would not recommend that for the 16, since it does not open that far.
The Framework 16 guide for bezel replacement mentions 90 degrees instead of 180. But this is where the box link guides you, so I still think it’s a bit unfortunate.

The rest of the bezel step shows how easy it is to remove the bezel, but for the life of me I could not get it off the way showed.
Even going by the Framework 16 guide (here) I couldn’t really get it off.

The iFixit guide here gave me instant success.
I don’t know if there’s any risk of damaging the panel of doing it their way, if not careful, but it worked so I would still say it’s the better guide for bezel removal.

Then finally comes the mounting.
It was fairly straight forward. It was quite finicky with the tiny latch and the cable.

If anything they could write how far the latch should be opened, since I didn’t open it far enough on the first attempt.

There is one glaring omission in these steps however:
Instructions to remove the blue plastic lens protection from the camera lens before putting the bezel back on. It would probably also be wise to tell people to not remove the black sticker on there, since I assumed that is not something you should be removing.

I have noticed these protective film removals are missing in the Framework 16 DIY guide as well when it comes to installing the m.2 drives.

After that, everything was smooth sailing.
Bezel went back on, started the laptop and it was detected just fine (Fedora 40).

The webcamera is a step up from the previous one, and in particular skin colors are distinctly better on this one (I looked like a tomato with the previous webcam).
So I am quite happy with it so far.

Hope this proves useful for someone.


Thanks for sharing! If the website allowed me to, I would’ve bought one.

How is the audio quality on the mic?

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Yep, I tried ordering one while it was listed as in stock, as well as something else from the marketplace, and was told they were in different warehouses, so I couldn’t. Figured I’d try ordering again if they’re ever in the same warehouse. Would rather they just quoted both shipping costs (or waived a shipping cost, but they’re not Amazon sized, so I don’t expect that), and sorted out the logistics on their end without making it my problem.

I’m glad others were able to get the updated module, and am thankful that folks are willing to go through and document the initial teething issues.

Just a quick comparison with a video I recorded with the previous module I am getting overall less noise with the new microphone.
I wasn’t really that bothered with the old one, since nobody really complained about the microphone in meetings etc, but it’s nice that even that is noticeably better too.

I don’t have any metrics to any of this so it’s purely subjective.

Fair enough. In my usage, the original mic has been barely tolerated by the receiver (possibly in part due to my linux setup I guess). This is particularly due to the noise, thanks for sharing your experience!

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I received my webcam 2nd gen today

Installation was quite easy

After shutting down your FW16 and unplugging all external cables

  1. Lay FW16 flat on the desk
  2. Remove bezel
  3. Unscrew the four screws holding down the display panel
  4. Gently lay down the display panel on to the input module side ( keyboard, touchpad area )
  5. Lift the latch that’s holding/clamping down the cable to the webcam module ( I used the plastic flat end of the framework screwdriver )
  6. Take out the cable ( again used the framework screwdriver plastic flat end )
  7. Unscrew the left and right screw ( there are rectangular plates being held down on the module too ) from the webcam module
  8. Take out 1st gen webcam module out
  9. place in the 2nd gen webcam module
  10. do the reverse of steps 7, 6 and 5
  11. remove blue cover from the camera
  12. do the reverse of steps 4, 3 and 2

your done


Thanks for the feedback, it is very helpful!!


Does it support Windows Hello, or something like that?

No, it’s a standard webcam, it doesn’t have the IR sensor or whatever Windows Hello needs.


If Framework releases a Windows Hello Camera Module, they need to redesign a new Bezel to accomodate for the different and additional sensor Openings.

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Is the difference noticeable? At least for conferences?

Got my 2nd gen webcam for my Framework 16 today. My packaging arrived damaged, and i could see the “Framework Laptop 13” on the side of the box sticking out through the damaged packaging. I opened it the rest of the way up and spent the next 10 minutes panicked that I got the wrong webcam. I didn’t want to open the box, because I was convinced that I was going to need to return it. I open up the marketplace and filtering for webcams compatible with the 16, only here can I see that the 2nd gen webcam is marked as being compatible with both the Framework 13 and 16. The description page is also lacking these details, and the “specs” and “Additional information” drop downs also lack any information about compatibility. Those 2 fields are also flipped depending on what model your looking at, this should be fixed for a uniform experience.

Only labeling the packaging to indicate compatibility with the Framework 13 is a pretty huge oversight, and combined with lacking information about compatibility on the ordering page where the product specs are supposed to be is horribly confusing. I was also wondering if a new driver was needed for this webcam, I believe it isn’t, but that again would be nice to see somewhere to reduce confusion. I’m guessing part of what happened here is FW decided to reuse the older packaging since the dimensions we’re the same, but in cases like this you should add a sticker or something to the packaging to help indicate that this product is no longer only for the FW 13.

While I didn’t use the install guide to replace the webcam, I did visit it afterwards to see if it could help answer any of my questions. It did not, and that step where it tells you to bend your FW 16 display 180 degrees back is certainly going to cause someone to break their laptop. I hope if someone calls in having followed that guide, FW gives them a replacement regardless of their warranty status. Framework is literally instructing people to break their FW 16’s in that guide by bending their 16’s in a way that they can’t be bent.

I’ve opened a support ticket with FW and asked them to look over this thread to hopefully help improve some of these issues.

It appears they have already made some changes, because while there was nothing on the packing to indicate it was compatible with the 16, they did remove “Framework Laptop 13” from the sticker. Both sides of the box still say “Framework Laptop 13” though, so I’d argue that rather than removing fw 13 from the label, they should have added “Compatible w/ Framework 13 & Framework 16” to reduce confusion.

The original camera isn’t FWL13-only either.
The boxes probably haven’t changed since the 1st generation FWL13. Certainly a sticker that mentioned FWL16 compatibility would be helpful. As would clear mention on the product pages. If you search webcam in the marketplace the 1st & 2nd gen cameras do both come up with “Framework Laptop 13” and “Framework Laptop 16” in the top right of the product pictures

I don’t think any drivers are needed. Both cameras connected just as standard USB camera devices, plug-and-play. Many standardized devices often have universal drivers that just come included with windows or any OS. But if any driver provides some additional benifit it should be included in the general Framework driver package.

Hi Everyone!

My name is Iroh and I am in charge of our guides (among other things)!

For the Webcam Replacement Guide for the Framework 13, I have updated it to include a new Step 1 about which device is being used. This is a short term “bandaid” solution, but will hopefully make things more clear.

Internally, we are discussing how we can make this easier for the Webcam Module and other things going forward. Part of the difficulty is you only have so much space on the module itself and do not have space for multiple QR codes. As for the packaging, we are discussing if adding more QR codes would be the solution, or another method would work better.

As always, we GREATLY appreciate your feedback and hope it keeps coming!


Could the QR code not link to an intermediary page that lets you choose laptop 13 or laptop 16 to guide you to separate guides?


This is something we currently do for RAM, but we are trying to find a “future proof” solution. For example if the guide link or something changes, we have to update the QR code & also that intermediary page; which something could fall through the cracks and not get updated.

  • Also this is more steps for the user (of scanning the code, then clicking something; then arriving to needed page/ guide - compared to just scanning and arriving to needed page/ guide)

With a small amount of items, it should not be so bad; but is not scalable to a lot more products (if that was to happen).

TLDR - we are working and considering all options

Easy to solve for the links.
create your own redirect like MS and others do
goto.frame.work/xyzabc which links to the current location, e.g. Installing RAM
This still doesn’t solve the issue that you have to select your model, but I think this is not a problem.

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