2TB storage expansion card or second drive option?

SSD it is then, please do backups though.

the problem with these usb drives is that they do not specify the actual read/write speed of the flash memory as most of them aren’t SSDs, a “USB3.1” USB drive may only have 20MB/s write speed. Better to use portable SSD instead

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@bob_bowser I second your request. We have several frame.work laptops, and a major appeal is to be able to mount that spare expansion card as a data folder, and 1 TB is too small. Makes it possible for us as an organization to treat each laptop as a stock laptop with standard software, with office 365 login, and being able to plug their own drive into the machine.

This strategy has been working wonders for us. We can’t use only OneDrive to jump from one workstation laptop to the next because we use these drives for development, some of these drives have LLM models and these are large.

So. a 2 TB would be extremely welcome :slight_smile: