3:2 desktop wallpapers

I really wasn’t sure whether to put these in the 3:2 wallpapers or in the Fan Art thread, so I’ll post them here and then link to them in another post on the other.

This one is probably my favorite of the few I just threw together, but I’ll bet the logo isn’t centered, which might bug some.

These won’t be as good as some of the ones people spliced together from photos online, but I took every one of these photos with my own camera, I don’t have the skills or resources to match what’s on the internet.

How many will it let me upload? I don’t know. Let’s find out.

This one is more artsy, I inverted the colors where the logo is, but it isn’t very visible.

In hindsight I should have exported these all at 2256 x 1504, but they’re larger than that, so it should be alright.

The firework ones are all mostly the same, but there’s a few options.

I really like the way this one cuts through the logo, I might use it myself.