3:2 desktop wallpapers

Since people were requesting my script for my wallpaper, I spent way too long today cleaning up the code, making it configurable and modular to make it a little more portable, etc. Turns out my source for the cloud map was not updating anymore either, so I had to hunt down a new one. All in all this is a lot better than my messy methods of before, but it still could be improved a huge amount. Since it depends on python for all the magic, someone could probably refactor my bash script into python to do all of it in one script file instead. Not going to be me, though…


I would be very willing to try and make something like that myself to release to people if you shared a bit of direction on how you did it! I’m a huge space nerd so something like this is perfect for me.

EDIT: Just read on to see that you already posted your script. I’ll take a look. :slight_smile:

For other space nerds who are looking for something good and use GNOME, I highly recommend the NASA APOD Wallpaper Changer extension, which automatically switches your background to match the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day.


Sometimes you only need to step outside the house to get a nice picture. This is a Supermoon from Nov 2016. Enjoy the wallpaper.


@JacobFavreault downloaded a topdown picture of the insides from iFixit so I made a couple simple wallpapers with that. (files)


And an alternate:


I have created a Framework adaptation of a wonderful picture created by Andrew McCarthy. For the original, see his Reddit post.

Please note that 99% of the effort (probably even more) is his work. All I did was combine the picture in the GIMP with the framework logo svg, and shifted some layers around…


Wind power, the original renewable energy.


I made these in inkscape, i merged my own logo of sorts with the framework logo, i uploaded both a 2256x1504 and a 4K version, let me know if you want the svg file


I made a Github page with most of the backgrounds uploaded here and in the fanart discussion page, if anyone wants me to remove their’s from the repository just let me know and I can remove it (since only a couple of them are actually mine)


The nice thing about 3:2 displays is that’s the standard ratio for all DSLR pictures.

Here’s a picture I took in southern California. (I do a lot of astrophotography – Login • Instagram )


Snowy day wallpaper. Enjoy.


“My own OCDness is killing me though; that tree isn’t straight.”

Um, that’s the way the tree really is. :grinning:

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Mesa Arch at the Island in the Sky district of Canyonlands National Park. A fitting wallpaper for our Framework Laptops. This arch overhangs a U-shaped canyon. At dawn the sunlight hits the canyon wall which reflects up and lights the underside of the arch giving it that famous orange glow. The bright glow only lasts ~15 minutes and then starts to fade.

Taking this photo involved some effort. I left the Moab motel room at 3:30 am and drove an hour in the dark. I arrived at 4:30am, still dark out, and one car was already in the parking lot. About this time I realized I didn’t have a flashlight so I waited for others to arrive so I could follow them to the arch. Once at the arch, you setup your camera on a tripod and wait for dawn. The desert air is quite cool in the morning even in June so I kept moving to stay warm. Other photographers started to arrive and lots of cameras on tripods got placed very close together as “photo” space is limited. It can get a bit crowded at dawn but everyone cooperated so you could get your pictures. This is one photo of many I took that day. Enjoy.


I live about 2 hours SE of Moab, closer to Telluride. Around here its “get to drive to…” not “have to drive to…” as the scenery is awesome and changes dramatically every 20ish miles.

Great shot! Let me know next time you are this way and I will point you to some other scenic spots that are a little less crowded!


Minimalist silver-on-black on the screen to play on the black-on-silver of the lid.


This wallpaper is a shot of LaSalle Canyon at Starved Rock State Park. The waterfall is sparse in October but the flow can be very heavy in the spring due to the snow melting. Visitors are always poising under the waterfall for a quick photo.


I used to love going there as a kid/ teen. Especially enjoyed sitting on the main ledge over the river, before the walkways and railings got put up up there. My high school class made the model that was in the museum, in fact. Ask me about the time I accidentally free climbed French Canyon …


My wife and I try to visit the park once or twice a year. She loves walking on the trails while I take lots of pictures.

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Your picture has found a home on my desktop. When my external 1080p monitor is attached, the top and bottom get cropped slightly on that display, but the composition still looks good. Unfortunately, your signature gets clipped on the external monitor, but it still shows up proudly on the main screen.

Thanks for posting your work!

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Came up with this just for fun. Got some inspiration from @JacobFavreault’s earlier post. I’m no graphic designer, but I thought it looked cool.

Dune background courtesy of Mike Yukhtenko over at Unsplash.

And for those of us Arch, BTW users, I made this too.