3D printed Covers for repairing Keys that are missing paint

A while ago some of my keys started to loose some of their paint.
At some point my was unreadable and so I made a cover that can be glued on top of the key to fix the lettering. I used OpenSCAD, so it also possible to use the customiser to create more covers. All square keys of the US/International English and the German keyboard are available as stl files on this Thingiverse page. You can also use the customiser there, but I recommend creating new keys in the OpenSCAD customiser itself with the provided scad file:
Key_Cap_Cover.scad (3.2 KB)

For the best look you should print the first layer with white filament.
Before gluing the cover you should remove the remaining paint and clean the key.
The keyboard backlight still works with the cover.

I also made a short YouTube video about this where I glue my “A” key:

The cause of my keys loosing paint might be due to these bubbles like on my “D” key:


This is awesome, but it’s worrying if the paint comes off so soon.

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I’ve had my laptop for well over a year as my full-time computer and have no hints of it. Others I’ve seen have had it for 2+ years no issue. I’ve heard a couple reports of it (I could count them on one hand) and I think they were all explained by either long fingernails or chemicals.

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My fingernails are not very long, but I sometimes use the tip of my fingernail to press down keys. I only noticed after your comment, that I unconsciously do that. With “bubbles” in the paint, such as my “D” key, this could lead to damaging the paint.

Have you seen damage to any other keyboards you’ve had?


No I did not. Before my Framework I had this Razer Blade Stealth (not a affiliate link), the keys seem to be simular, but the paint on the keys was never damaged. I used the Stealth from october 2017 until april 2022.