Account password from Google registration not recognized


I am having problems in the Framework main site account settings. Under there I am trying to enable the weekly/monthly newsletter option, but it asks for the account password.
I signed up with Google account (automatic)… if I remember correctly… but when I try to enter the password for my Google account, it doesn’t like it. So I don’t really know what my pass would be for the Framework site. Or if it should require it for the newsletter selection anyway.

Thanks for reporting this. This does seem to be a bug. We’ve let our development team know and will let you know when we resolve it.


Hi. Haven’t heard anything back yet, so I’d like to ask if you could enable the newsletter options from that end, since I’m not able to currently do it myself? As I would like to know more about the progress of the company. Thank you!

Sorry for the delay. This is still in our development backlog. The newsletter posts are also put into the Blog category in the Community and posted at Framework | Framework | Blog Overview

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Aha, ok then I can just read the Blog posts. No rush with the issue as there are more important things for you guys to handle. Thank you!