AMD Batch 2 Guild

So looks like mid-november at the latest for batch 2.

Like a lot of others, I already have a USB-C PD 60W+ charger ( this one : ) - this sits behind the sofa for our phones already, so simply don’t need another one for the laptop, which from the reviews should have >2 day battery life unless I’m gaming.

I got the Framework storage built in though, just to reduce the hassle factor. I know it’ll work, and modern storage options M.2 etc etc are still new to me so not 100% sure I’d be able to by myself a compatible one. Don’t mind too much if FW nickle and dime me on that a bit.


Excitedly awaiting my order update! Replacing an older Surface Book 2 that feels slower day by day.

I’m normally a Samsung SSD guy, but after reading some in-depth reviews, I’m going for the SK Hynix Gold P31. I’m not going to notice the difference in transferring data at multiple gigabits per second, but will I notice a few minutes of extra battery life? Honestly, no idea, but probably? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Power Management page is enlightening.


Did someone post a poll in this thread so we can track those who’ve been charged, etc like they did in the Batch 1 Guild?

Man, now that we are so close im real excited. I ordered a DIY 7640u to replace a used Dell XPS 9360 I got from my old workplace when my surface died. I taking my 1 tb SN770 from my current laptop and using a single stick of 32gb ram I came into.

Man, going from a 2 core 7th gen cpu and 16gb of ddr3 ram, to a 6 core Zen 4 cpu and 32gb of ddr5 ram.


That has always been a gross, anti-you practice as far as I’m concerned. I used to be hardcore Alienware (yeah yeah…I liked their stuff, what can I say?) until they started soldering RAM.

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Let’s see where things stand. To ensure the results are not skewed, please please only participate if you are in Batch 2.

Payment status
  • I am still waiting to be charged
  • I was charged successfully!

0 voters

Shipping status
  • I have not received a shipping notification
  • I have received a shipping notification!

0 voters

Delivery status
  • I have not received my delivery
  • I have received my delivery!

0 voters

For those who participate, if you wouldn’t mind returning to update your answers as your order progresses (tap “Show Vote” and then “Remove Vote” to reset the form), that would be appreciated by those who are still waiting.


Nice to see an on going polled results of the status for Batch 2. I’m in kinda of a jam where I would like to see my order shipped in 2 weeks time. I know FW last email they indicated 1 - 4 weeks. Time will only tell but this poll will show when FW is getting Batch 2 out.

I feel your pain and excitement, because I’m upgrading from a 9360 with 16gb as well! Can’t wait, but I’ll have to wait a bit longer for batch 3…


PSA to Batch 2
While the sample size is small (three reports), RAM modules rated for 5200 MT/s do not appear to work at this time.

If you purchased 5200 MT/s and can still return it, I would recommend you do that.

If your return window has passed, you may still be able to return your kit if you accept a restocking fee (Amazon taxed me 20%). Of course, you can always try your luck on the used market; however, without a way to verify functionality, you may be forced to accept a reduced price.

Regardless, if you need a working machine the day it arrives, I would recommend you order a kit rated for 5600 MT/s.

You may also check latest BIOS and RAM compatibility pages to see if 5200 MT/s support is listed. Perhaps FW will have patched support by the time you are charged, but you should be mindful of any BIOS release dates to make sure there has been at least 1-2 weeks preceding your charge date (otherwise your mainboard may have been sent to fulfillment prior to the availability of the updated BIOS).

Thread for AMD RAM issues:

Latest BIOS:

List of officially compatible RAM modules:


I think it’s best if we get a larger sample size and have someone from Framework to comment first before coming to a firm conclusion.

I disagree.

If there is anyone in this thread who may still be within their return window for their kit of 5200 MT/s, they should do that while they have the chance.

There’s no sense holding onto something that stands a good chance of becoming a burden later on. Unless you happen to have another laptop with DDR5 laying around, you would not be able to confirm the sticks were operational. Not a good position to be in if you are contemplating putting the RAM on the used market to recoup some of your losses.


We don’t know what the root cause of people having RAM issues is. It could be a bad subset of laptops, user error, BIOS incompatibility, or people getting dead sticks. So it’s best not to stoke fears unless the cause has been conclusively determined.

The current results from my poll only show 4 people having RAM issues versus 17 that don’t have issues. And of those 4, 3 reported issues with 5200 mhz RAM. The sample size just isn’t large enough to come to a conclusion. It might not even be an issue with 5200 mhz ram as another user mentioned it could be because of dual rank vs single rank ram.


I’m not trying to stoke fear. I have nothing against the slower speed. I just don’t want anyone to go through the same disappointment I went through, especially if they can still get their money back.

You’re not wrong, but until FW officially says something (or someone with 5200 MT/s is successful), we are all on our own here. I know I would have appreciated some guidance, and I’m trying to turn my bad experience into something good.


I’m not trying to suggest that you’re trying to stoke fears. My point was more so that without official confirmation, people might start needlessly panicking about their RAM whether or not they can return it.

Then don’t say that.

Very low likelihood FW is going to come out and say anything other then, “Please refer to our official list of compatible RAM. We can neither confirm nor deny compatibility of any other kits.” They simply don’t have the resources, by their own admission.

Why would this have to result in panick? If they can’t return it, oh well. But I am hoping to save people both time and money.

The folks who opted for 5200 MT/s kits were almost certainly trying to save a little money. Plain and simple. That was what I was I trying to do, but instead of that, I am now out ~$40 and I had to buy the more expensive RAM anyway.

Not a fun experience. If I could save even one person from that, then surely copy pasting a post in a couple of places would be worth it. I didn’t anticipate also having to justify my actions, but oh well…


For clarification, I understand you have good intentions is to help others avoid your situation but we don’t even know what is causing your situation. That’s my point.

If we get enough reports of it and the community is vocal enough, they will have to respond.

If it turns out that’s not the case, then they’ve wasted time and potentially money. By saying it’s a PSA, means that this is officially confirmed knowledge which it isn’t at this point. It’s currently anecdotal. Let’s just put this to rest and agree to disagree.

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You’re right. We don’t know exactly what is causing it. The only thing we know for certain is that some people with 5200s are unable to use their brand new laptops.

If it turns out that 5200s work just fine (and the warnings I was trying to put out there were premature), the worst case scenario is that a customer will have purchased faster memory for no reason. If it turns out 5200s do not work (for whatever reason), then people who have been waiting months and months will then have to (potentially) fork out even more money and wait even longer.

Which scenario would you rather experience?

I didn’t even think to sound the alarm until more reports came in, when it occurred to me that I might be able to use my experience to help others.

False! They are under no obligation to say or do anything. I imagine they are very preoccupied with the upcoming release of the 16 at the moment, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Sure, be flippant about time and money when it’s not your time or money on the line. That’s rich!

I grant you that I had not even remotely considered that anyone would take anything I have to say as “official” just because I used the acronym for “public service announcement”. If that was your gripe all along, you could have just suggested I update the phrasing.

Moot point now. All my posts in the other batches were removed. Hope you’re happy.


Linux users, what distro will you use on your AMD Framework?

I’ll be using Arch because it’s my default distro and I think having the newest-ish kernel is going to be good on such a new machine. I hope compatibility will still be good even though it’s not officially supported!

Mostly likely Ubuntu Server for me, will be running it in the coolermaster case.

Thank you for posting this poll @Todd_Freeman