An Honest Review

I think this is great review on the Framework Laptop, but I guess I could be a little bias :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Is this you the reviewer on the video? If so thank you Sir. I earlier watched the Linus video and came to here for more information. This video was very helpful. I very much appreciate the part about the customer support. If they are very communitive it is good.


@Sandy_Durberry Yup, itā€™s Me, one and the same. Shameless plug I know but not totally irrelevant to the forum. Glad it was helpful, and yes, customer support has been great. The Framework staff is also very active in the Forums, so if you have questions, post em and youā€™ll probably get an answer.

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Thanks for making this and posting it here! Your review is by far the most comprehensive and practical out there (both video or written) and also the first one that feels like the reviewer is totally familiar with the product and the framework community.

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Excellent review. You should post a link to your channel. I am a LTT fan but like your approach to productivity rather than gaming centric.

Especially looking forward to doing light video editing via DaVinci Resolve.

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@Dominic_Keen Thanks, Iā€™ve been following Framework from the sidelines since I first read an article back in February. Nice to finally be working on the Laptop
@ImaxinarDM I may post a reply with the Channel Info in the ā€œIntroduce Yourselfā€ thread.


Good video. A few comments.

If Framework goes out of business, you are not left with another Apple product. You are still able to replace, ram, storage, and IO.

I get your point about the average customer, but donā€™t forget that Framework is about changing the the industry. That change canā€™t JUST be in manufacturing and marketing. It has to also be a change embraced by the customer.

By making the Framework laptop repairable and encouraging it, they can condition customers to expect such things. This is just as crucial as all that they are responsible for.

One other thing, you make valid points about the CPU and multi-threaded workloads, but the fact of the matter is with a 64gb RAM capacity, this thing is a VM monster. It can compile just fine as well. It CAN do everything you need it to, and in most of those things, being the best or the fastest is not really that important.

But I think your review nailed many important things, and I pretty much agree with you!


@2disbetter Question, Do you think Framework will have a significant effect on ā€œconditioning customers to expect such thingsā€ or is it more plausible that they just carve themselves out a sustainable and profitable niche within the PC/Tech enthusiast space? Iā€™m just drawing from a few decades of personal experience building, upgrading and fixing PCā€™s for the ā€œaverageā€ person, but most wonā€™t even contemplate something as simple as swapping out a storage drive. Donā€™t get me wrong I would love to see it but I think unfortunately the ā€œdisposable techā€ pathway is pretty much universally accepted by the vast majority of the consumer base.

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@CJ_Elevated Great video! Random semi-related question, what kind of sleeve/case is that you have at 16:30?

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@A_L Thatā€™s a simple case I drew up in Fusion 360 and 3D printed to hold all my expansion cards.

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@CJ_Elevated Very cool! 3D modeling not an expertise of mine but Iā€™m impressed at designing and producing something handy like that so quickly

Also, insightful if slightly dispiriting take on the market positioning for Framework. As much as I love the repairability/upgradability from the enthusiast standpoint, it is hard to imagine how that alone would draw a major part of the mass market away from the disposables offered by Dell/HP/Microsoft/Apple. Would seem to need an unlikely confluence of some kind of ā€˜killer appā€™ that Framework gets to first (and is able to maintain exclusive access to for long enough), and even then would need some proper marketing genius to make the case widely enough. Alternatively if there were public policy incentives (libertarians and ā€˜libertariansā€™ will hate me for thisā€¦) to account for the externalities of un-upgradable hardware and make Framework-style laptops significantly more cost-effective, perhaps that may move the needle?

Learned something new from your video today- the lower-than-expected battery life on Framework laptops are because the non-repairable soldered RAM and CPU and such are more battery-efficient than repairable ones. I can live with that trade-off now that I know why the battery drains faster than a normal laptop. Great review!

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This is really interesting to me- I have a Ryzen 1700 and GTX 1060 desktop that keeps crashing Davinci Resolve even with the latest drivers. If Tiger Lakeā€™s iGPU somehow pulls off more stable use of Resolve than the NVIDIA 1000 series drivers has, thatā€™s huge

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Probably the most honest and informative review out there at the moment. As someone who isnā€™t a pc enthusiast , just a person who likes to have that freedom to upgradeā€¦I am excited to purchase this laptop when its available in the United Kingdom.

The only issue I have that is making me second guess purchasing oneā€¦is the 3:2 aspect ratio. I mostly use the laptop for YouTube, browsing, TV series and movies. The only time I would benefit from the 3:2 is doing university work. Iā€™m afraid the subtitles from videos will be too far away from the actual video. I know you briefly spoke about watching videos on the laptop, but could you go into more detail? Anyone for that matter who has used a 3:2 aspect ratio laptop :+1:

I can only speak for myself, but I have to say that I find the 3:2 display a breath of fresh rational air. Computers are largely about productivity. Lately the displays are build all around entertainment at the expensive of productivity.

I mean I watch full screen video on here all the time, the little lines at the top and bottom do not bother me at all. They certainly donā€™t bother me enough to not have purchased this laptop which is excellent in every way. Trust me, with all you get from Framework, the screen ratio is not even a blip on the radar. (I consider it a feature.)


Two things about the review. One, its not just about PC enthusiasts who want this thing. Its not a laptop, its a principle. The ability to repair and upgrade the laptop keeping it viable for years goes beyond novelty. This laptop also applies to the right to repair crowd and the environmentally friendly crowd. I happen to fall into all three of those.

I have a top tier gaming pc built from exclusively used parts. I repair electronics professionally and care very much about access to economically viable repairs. I choose to repair things because as a society we waste so much. When I was part of an electronic recycling program. I watched people throw away perfectly working gaming pcs. Laptops that they lost the charger to. work stations that they didnā€™t need anymore. Devices that had no functional issues, they just were not the new hotness. Planned obsolescence is not just building things to break after x amount of years. It is all the marketing that is around you telling you to buy the new model of iphone every year.

Now my partner on the other hand only falls into the latter two categories. She does not care about having the fastest thing or whatever. She just wants it to work. She does care about waste and as a result of that, right to repair.
She will buy one of these when her current laptop finally dies assuming Frame.Work is still around. She currently has a 5 year old XPS 13 and has with the help of the internet replaced the screen, battery, and speakers. She still uses a google pixel 1 which has had the battery replaced.

She had no idea what she was doing, but she is not stupid. People are not stupid. They can follow instructions. Corporations are the ones who spend a bunch of money marketing telling people things are too complicated to repair and just buy a new one. This laptop is trying to break that cycle, and I will support that with my money.

The second thing, If dies, you are not stuck with another apple product. yeah it has a proprietary mother board and battery. But everything else is standard off the shelf parts that you can still source. On top of that, you will have the second hand market of laptops to source parts from. Again this isnā€™t about the laptop itself, its about the principle


Probably not. And thatā€™s not really their job, I think. Focus on making good laptops that also happen to be very repairable and durable, and itā€™s more up to us consumers to demand better from Lenovo, Dell, Etc.


There is something in this video that I did want to bring up to @nrp or whoever at Framework- you mentioned at 10:08 that the 1TB expansion card overheats and throttles. Is it possibly a faulty card?

Hard to say. I think the people who will buy Frameworkā€™s laptop will be the vehicle to accomplishing that. Folks like you and me, and many other people attending these forums will be willing to talk about it and share it with those around them. I think Framework has done all the work to make that a reality, because I will absolutely tell anyone asking me what laptop they should buy to get a Framework. I imagine you will too.

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Not sure itā€™s faulty. The S.M.A.R.T. health status reports it at 100%. It works fine under typical usage and only overheats during longer write periods. I also found it is better on the left side of the laptop, where it farther from the CPU, memory, and wifi card which can slightly add to the heat.