Anker Dock cutting out

Hello, I have a Framework 13 inch, and I recently got an Anker 577 docking station. I love it, but it keeps cutting out. Seemingly randomly it will disconnect my monitor and keyboard, I’ll see the lights on my keyboard power cycle, then it will come back. I already contacted Anker, thinking it was an issue with the dock. But after getting a replacement, the issue persisted not even 5 minutes after plugging it in for the first time.

For a little more detail:
-I have an Intel 13th gen i5-1340P
-The dock is connected to power from the wall, to the laptop with the included cable, a monitor, a keyboard, a Blu-ray player via USB-A, and I have my iPad connected to the downstream port to charge it (and also to use a Luna Display sometimes, but that is not currently set up).
-I seems to happen more often when doing something intensive like gaming (at least with the old dock, I haven’t had the chance to test that with the new one)
I have no idea what could be causing this, and am really annoyed and bummed out about it. Any ideas?

Hi, have a look at that, it could be related to your problem:

Inside the thread linked in this thread, there is some explanation on how to write a workaround script.

Okay, I found this github page, which I assume is what you were referring to:

Problem is, I’m on Windows. Which ones do I need to execute and how would I execute them?

Well, if you are on Windows, this will be of much less help to you…
I hope somebody on this forum much more knowledgeable in Windows than me will come to your rescue.

I know this defeats some of the purchase of a dock, but have you tried just plugging in the Framework charger while using the dock?

I am not knowledgeable in docks, but if the laptop never had to draw power from the dock, would the issue still occur?

I don’t think that would work. The dock needs power and plugging it in to the computer automatically charges it.

The laptop should automatically choose which power supply out of the two can supply more power. What would happen if you left the dock plugged into the power cord and let it get powered not from the laptop but from the cable?

I’m pretty sure docks have their own power supplies that need to be plugged in and that is what powers it, not the laptop itself. Of course, I cannot say for certain as I do not have any docks myself.

I had this problem with the 11th gen Intel board. Setting my battery charge limit to 100% “fixed” it for me. FWIW I don’t have this problem on my AMD board.

After checking the BIOS, it seems like the charge limit is 100 by default. Would changing it to like 95% possibly fix the issue?

Update, that did not fix the issue. I am still in need of help :upside_down_face:

Have you tried all 4 USB C ports on the laptop with your dock? To see if the disconnect issue is repeatable on all 4 ports…