BIOS Settings for Windows 10 installation?

Hi all!

I have had my new laptop for quite some time now and very happy with it. However, I have an issue where I cannot install Windows 10 onto the laptop, but Linux works fine.

I am wondering if it is something to do with the BIOS settings? I know that Secure Boot needs to be on, but what other settings need to be changed for WIndows to install without issues?

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Secure boot does not actually need to be on to install Windows, and I usually have it off when I install and turn it on later. You need to make sure your installation media is configured as EFI/GPT. If the USB installation media is set up as MBR it won’t boot.

Hi and welcome to the forum.
You’ve given little detail of hat you have and have not done.

Presumably you have installed some flavour on Linux on the SSD and it seems that dual booting works fine if Windows is installed first.

However you may mean you want to reformat the drive and only have Windows.

  • So how have you tried via a USB stick or otherwise like OTA
  • Regarding the bios what have found that is relevant.
  • Given the above what really happens when you try > I cannot install Windows isn’t giving any view of the situation :slight_smile:

Hi. Sorry for not giving enough details.

I am not dual booting. I only have Linux ATM (Ubuntu 20.04). I have tried 2 USBs (one USB 3.0 and a USB 2.0) and both result in failure of installation.

In terms of installation, I set up installation, schhose drive and start it installing, but fails after about 20% into the installation.

I was originally asking in terms of BIOS config so that I could try installation with changes to BIOS settings. Sorry if this part is confusing.

I am going to give it another try again. I will report back on the outcome

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Okay so to report back, I changed file system to NTFS, GPT partition Scheme and UEFI Target system in Rufus and is has gone a lot further than usual . It is now on the first time setup.

Thank you for the assistance and my apologies for any confusion. :slight_smile:


Good to hear you may be getting somewhere. Be nice to hear you are completely successful.

All the best

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I was able to install windows 10 version 1511 as it was the only one that seemed to install fine, so from there I upgraded to 21h2 using my phone as network (USB tethering) while I installed the update. After installing the driver bundle I am now completely set up.

Thank you the help again. :slight_smile: