Boot different OS by swapping SSD?

Hi there, I had a quick question for those with some more experience using different OSes, I’m a bit of a noob…

Framework 13
Ubuntu 22.04
12th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-1240P

I’m running Ubuntu on my Framework and enjoying it, but there are a couple apps I may need Windows for. I was wondering if it would be feasible to simply have a Windows SSD and just swap them out when I want to change, rather than having to deal with dual booting. Not sure if there’s anything in the BIOS that would prevent it from being that simple.

I’ve seen What is the best way to dual boot Linux (Fedora or Pop OS) with Windows? and there seems to be a lot of opinions on dual booting that I’d like to avoid since I’ll only need Windows very occasionally. If swapping SSDs isn’t an option, any other options?

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Something similar was asked a few days ago see if you can find the topic


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Sure that would work (though dissembling the laptop each time sounds like a pain), if you just need a tiny bit of windows you could also just put windows 2 go onto a high ish performance usb drive.

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Also know that the m.2 port on the mainboard is not made to be constantly swapped, so it has a lower plug/unplug limit than say the USB ports.


Anyone know if there are any concerns with secure boot?

Otherwise seems perfectly feasible, albeit don’t do it too often, considering socket wear, and also it’s just a trouble to open and close the laptop each time.

I’d say dual booting is better in almost all cases, but you do you! :slight_smile:

If windows apps are only needed infrequently and do not require maximum performance, running them in a windows vm within linux would be an option to consider.


Have you tried WINE or looked into it at all?

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This is why I’d be hesitant to recommend your approach, but otherwise it should work fine.

I really like dual booting. I dual boot Manjaro and Windows on my little Dell, and I actually dual boot Windows 7 and 10 on my old Toshiba. I never found it difficult to set up and use, even as a noob, so I recommend considering it if you have no real reason not too. I’ve never made a Windows USB, but I have a couple Linux USB’s that I use for various tasks and troubleshooting, and those are fun to use as well.

Swapping SSD’s just seems one step too far beyond convenience for me, but if you’re ok with it and aren’t worried about wearing out the socket, it’s probably the simplest to set up, in a way, as you don’t have to worry about partitions and boot loaders and whatnot. Just watch out for Windows updates, they can really pile up over time!

That’s the real issue.

Let’s face it you can have a dual boot that pauses for two seconds or more for you to select windows else it will load Ubuntu.

I’m sure that is less work that unscrewing the laptop and swapping the SSD, very dodgy idea, lots of work and possible damage.

It seems far easier to use a dual boot.

It was far easier for me to buy with Win and add Ubuntu on an Expansion card. I can set the boot to Ubuntu, with or without a delay and not even remember Win is there.