Bottom part of my screen started flickering and support ghosted me

Hi everyone,

I’ve had my framework 13, 11th gen DIY edition for almost a year but two month ago, the bottom part of my screen start flickering weirdly
(as show in the video here: Framework support - Google Drive)

This bug persist in the BIOS, in linux and windows. After trying to unplug and replug the display the issue persisted, however on external screen there was no issue.

I contacted support on september the 27th, they asked me standard question, then asked for picture of the issue, I sent them this google drive link and haven’t heard from them since then, I tried sending them the email again, in case they did not received it, but still nothing. It’s now been a month since their last email on octobre the 12th, and my issue persist. I’ve bought this laptop to be able to easily fix issue like this one and I’m somewhat deceived by my experience.

If you guys have any idea of what the cause of the problem could be, i’ll be interested.

(Excuse the english mistakes i’m not native)

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Hello @Samuel_Vitry,

We were communicating with you pretty regularly and our latest response was on October 12th at 3:12am PT with the following:

"Hi [redacted],

Thanks for your reply.

Upon checking the previous email that you sent, it seems like the pictures were not properly attached and we didn’t receive them. Could you resend the pictures or upload them to Google Drive, then send the link here? This will be used for our documentation and review process.

We appreciate your cooperation and we will be waiting for your reply."

We have not yet received a response to this inquiry and the imagery is required for our review. Can you please respond to our request? Thank you.


Hello @TheTwistgibber

There must have been a mail issue because I sent you this the same day:

Samuel Vitry
And then a salty email on oct 17th

" Hi

I sent you the link a week ago, I’m still wainting on a response…

My screen has been flickering for almost a month…

The reason I bought a framework was to get a good customer support and be able to fix issues without having to wait for month to get in contact with support…

Anyway here is again the link if you missed the last email…

Samuel Vitry

I you want I can send you the email again

Hello @TheTwistgibber,

Am I being rude ? Is there something wrong with my request ? Can somebody help me diagnose the issue ? I am asking for too much ?

Thank you

Hello @Samuel_Vitry,

We are not receiving your responses. Please resubmit with a different email address.

Thank you.

I’m not sure what’s up with emails not coming thru. As a Sys Admin, if emails are not coming thru customer support, we get tickets from our Customer Support team to look into the issue.

We don’t typically have issues with most user-based emails (gmail, outlook, hotmail, etc), but we do with some companies. Once we get that info, we ask the user for a technical contact of their company (or if it’s a user, their ISP), and work with their technical contact to see why we are not receiving emails from their domain.

As a by-stander, I’m concerned that Framework has user posts here as well as Reddit that seem to have been “ghosted” and turns out Framework was not receiving their emails. It sounds like a email relay, email security, or DNS MX record issue. In my experience where we troubleshoot these issues so our users can communicate with their users, it is usually an issue with your DKIM or SPF records.

If you have someone who works in your IT department who works on your email system, please have them look into this. If it’s a 3rd party provider, you must involve them in troubleshooting this issue. You should not be having so much email issues. It just seems like something is very wrong when no one (neither Framework or the recipient) receives an NDR when an email doesn’t goes thru. An NDR (non-delivery report) would at least a) tell the sender their email was not delivered and gives a reason why and b) if the user doesn’t understand the report, at least your IT person can use it to troubleshoot your email system. It works the same way going the other way (NDR to Framework if emails can’t be delivered to recipient). Silent non-delivery emails points to something very wrong. Even if you have an email security appliance, it SHOULD be sending or keeping a log of emails that are being quarantined and have someone always check periodically for any false positives (and to fix false positives so it happens less often).

Also, may be a good idea to have a web portal for support to avoid email issues completely.


This is often done these days as part of spam protection, so the sender doesn’t know which emails they have sent have real mailboxes at the recipient end or not, whereas if they get a bounce email from a domain they know that the ones that don’t bounce are real mailboxes.

True. Ours is the same way (email security), but we monitoring for false positives. We do this every morning and EOBD to ensure nothing gets stuck for too long.

I haven’t worked in the department that performs this duty in a very long time, but we had a proceedure to help us go thru spam. We had a completely different email system then too (Cisco Ironport ifI recall). I don’t know what we’re using now. It was part of the Help Desk duties.