Business expansion

You explained very succinctly what I’ve been trying to say.

Sometimes it is, generally I’d say local government is pretty clean. It’s when voters become a statistic instead of “Fred” the guy that lives down the block from me, that politics becomes problematic. imho amyways

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You’re making a common mistake that Scott Adams points out in his book Loserthink, which is that you’re assuming you can read my mind. You can’t. I did understand what he said. Your homework assignment is to read that book.

My point is that thugs-with-resources are not all the same. Just ask any foreign athlete suffering in the dystopian nightmare of the Beijing Olympics right now.

In addition, such thugs have budgets to think about, and one can always play a better game of defense as Apple has done. However by using Intel chips Framework isn’t helping its customers do so.


Maybe you should know. Apple seems to have managed it. However if Taiwan gets invaded (as Poland was invaded by the Germans) we can kiss the Secure Enclave goodbye.

Alright, that’s it. This thread has crossed the line into personal attacks.

This thread has been locked.