Changed my keyboard layout in hardware to colemak!

Hah, I was impatient and only tested a 10 sec or so shutdown. I’ll put it as a systemd service & suspend wakeup script (for hibernation resume)

I’ll keep it as is, simply to have the little readability that I do have :stuck_out_tongue: I timed it, it only takes 1.05 sec to run the commands, and I could shorten it by getting rid of keys that are the same for both layouts. If I were to figure out your EFI driver thing, it could be compressed into a single command to keep it simple for adapting it there.

Here’s me removing a keycap:

Turn up sound to hear the clicks from the clips on top disconnecting. Don’t try to pry from the bottom, because the clips there go behind the keyswitch, so it would probably break the keycap. the clips in the top though are basically just friction based, as long as you pull in the general direction of up they will come off. If the ones on the bottom are still connected after you disconnect the top ones, just wiggle the cap forward and back a bit.

I won’t post a video of me typing for now because 1) I don’t have a good way to mount my phone, 2) my phone camera and mic is waterlogged (the waterproof seals gave up on me) so it looks like shit as you can see above, and 3) despite picking this keyboard layout, I’m not actually a very good typer. It’s just colemak is a little better than QWERTY for me. when I get my new phone soon I might take a video.