Cheap quality Power cable

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Have you contacted support? There was a known issue with some of the power cords and at one time, they were replacing them for free. I don’t know how old your cord is or if they are still replacing them, but I’d reach out to support.

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Also, welcome to the community!

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Thank you BigT.
I have not contacted support. Thanks for the inputs.

I will reach out support.

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Yeah, see what support says. I have two of these that I use frequently and have NEVER had an issue like that.

Also you might want to use the angled end on the laptop side. On your photo it looks like the charger rests on the cable, which probably creates some unnecessary stress.


+1 - but I’m not sure this is the full source of the problem.

Had the exact same happen to me. Near identical picture, too. Just contacted Support. The cable had mostly just been sitting there for six months.

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Mine, I think from Batch 2-3 of the original, also just recently had this problem. Nothing some masking tape hasn’t been able to fix… but it would be nice to see it not fall apart so soon either.

Have not had this issue with my OG Batch 1 11th Gen Intel.
Received in August, after shipping finally started.

Braided Anchor USB-C to USB-C helped.

Just a thought. Would it be better to have the PSU brick with the USB connector rotated 90 degrees? Then when using the right angle cable, the cable would not stick into the table, but would rest sideways on the table. It should put less stress on the cable.


Thanks James
I bought 90 degree angle cable. That really helps.