"D" key not working

I have a Framework 13 Gen 12, which I bought about 1.5 years ago. Yesterday, my “D” key starts glitching out, and eventually just stops working completely. Since then, it has worked a few times, but 95% no. It’s just the one key–I tested all the others–so I don’t think it’s a bent pin. I tried reseating the input connector, but that didn’t change anything.

I’m guessing I probably need a new input cover–anything I might have missed before I go and spend $100 on one?

Hi and welcome to the forum.

I imagine you only have a 1 year warrantee then ??

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Yes, that’s pretty much over and done!

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I’m guessing I probably need a new input cover–anything I might have missed before I go and spend $100 on one?

If it’s just a bad key, you could probably get away with replacing the keyboard only, for $40 instead of $100…


From what I understand it’s a bit of a gamble though, right? If I do just the keyboard and it still doesn’t work, I have to then buy the new input cover as well :smiley: I’m not quite confident enough in my diagnostic skills to take the chance on that!

If the other keys are working, that suggests it’s probably not a problem with the input cover overall. To my mind, the main question is, is installation/repair simplicity worth an extra $60 to you? (more steps and lots of tiny screws versus attaching a single new-input-cover cable)

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Will have to weigh the options! Keyboard alone is definitely cheaper :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks so much for the input–glad to know that there’s a stronger possibility it’s just the keyboard.

There are a lot of screws for replacing just the keyboard, and they are tiny and easy to strip. People have said they’re stripped a few even being careful. Even best case, it will take a good bit of time just due to the number of screws. Do consider if it’s worth it.

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