Damage to AMD upgrade kit mainboard fins

I just received my shipment containing the AMD mainboard upgrade kit. The packaging looked pretty intact, but I noticed what appears to be damage to the cooling fins on the mainboard. Given that the box and cardboard packaging seem to be in good condition, I’m led to believe this board might have been dropped during QA or during packaging. Has anyone else seen this before? Am I safe to go ahead and install this mainboard or should I wait to hear back from Framework Support / wait for a replacement?

I wouldn’t try to install it like that. The way the fin is bent out to the side there, I think it will hit a protrusion on the shell.

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IMO it won’t cause any damage and the loss in cooling performance will be negligible. If you have time though, perhaps contact support for next steps first!

Practically I expect that simply bending it back into place will get good enough results.

On the other hand if you try to bend it back and somehow cause more damage (or it turns out the damage was greater than it seems) it is possible that any additional damage you cause could be considered customer induced damage and used as justification to deny a warranty request.

I recommend seeing what support says.

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Update, support has asked me to try bending the fins back and installing it. I’m totally fine with this as long as the warranty remains intact.


Another update, I finally got around to installing the new mainboard. Everything seems to be working well.