Display Broken?

I think my display seems to be broken, does someone have an idea what might have happened?

The display worked without any issues in the past and yesterday. The laptop did not fall down or anything I remember.

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Hi. I had similar issue. Mine was without any visual damage at all, I suspected cable/connector to the panel. Mine was replaced.

Contact support for replacement.

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Hello Caspar,

this looks like a hardware damage (in the panal) to me. Like something pinched into the panel at the bottom edge.
You could try reseating the cable but I think it would not help.

But like @ArturasB said, please reach out to Support beforehand.

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There’s obviously a crack in the panel near the bottom edge:

These types of damage happen most often by pinching something between the screen and the body of the laptop when closing the lid. Often a thumbdrive or pen or a thick stack of papers, maybe even with a thumbtack.

You can message support, but they’ll likely say that this is customer induced damage. Unless it came that way?

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Okay I had a paper with a thumbtack in my hand yesterday, I must have put it in my laptop I guess.
However the damage was only visible this morning and not yesterday, long after I removed the paper from my laptop. Only after the laptop was rebooted the damage was visible. Any idea why?

Hard to say. Maybe someone else damaged this laptop while you were not using it, like maybe a child or guest in your household. I think you would’ve noticed the damage right away otherwise.

Well, let’s just say that I’ve also broken my screen. I’ve broken it twice in the span of owning it for less than a year (I received my laptop during Christmas). About less than a month ago, I received my new screen, and I broke it again because I dropped my backpack, and some books might have heavily smashed the screen. I do not think my school laptop is as fragile (I’m in HS), since similar things have happened, so presumably it’s the quality of the lid, but I can’t be completely sure. So, I’m now using it at home on my bigger TV, and won’t get a new screen until I’ve truly learned my lessons.



Which version did you buy? as the 11thGen has a pressed aluminium lid and the 12th and 13th Gen a CNC milled lid which should be more rigid, so sorry to hear of your breakages.

I bought an AMD laptop which is the 7040. Pretty sure it would also have a pretty rigid lid. Besides just the lid with a little pressure, I also dropped my bag quite a few times, so maybe it didn’t survive the drops.

In the future, once I do receive a new screen, I will just put it in another standalone bag instead of putting it in my backpack, to avoid anything like this.

I have a dual sleeve padded cotton bag. Not very fancy.

In the image below I have taken the 3ply wood out to show it’s thickness and highlight the second pocket. So the plywood protects the screen. There is also a thin layer of plastic netting in the second pocket which is under the plywood towards the screen. It all adds another 450g to the weight.

The bag was for a 15" (19:16) so the end has been folded over and that adds extra cushion to the bottom when it is in my backpack.

I just used things lying around.

With the rubber net padding.
Top pocket

  • Plywood ~ Thin black line
  • Rubber netting

Bottom pocket

  • Laptop screen facing towards top pocket


Then the screen faces inwards in the backpack

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The screens of the Framework laptop are somewhat fragile, lots of people complaining here and on Reddit about broken screens. Some of them are replaced by the support team for free. I wonder what is the % of screen RMA they have to do, and whether it is caused by the display itself, or rather how it is assembled into the actual laptop.

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Lots of people | lots of screens ???

When disappointing events happen, it is often the case someone will say it happens ‘lots’ of time. But I wonder how many ‘lots’ is to the author.

  • is it a set number like 10 or 100
  • or a percentage and then maybe of a particular laptop | batch etc.

So unless there is some proper data to compare to other it may not be ‘somewhat fragile’ Although many things are ‘fragile’

My 13" Gen11 Batch 8 seems fine, but I don’t sit on it and haven’t really dropped it or banged it much.

But then what is ‘really’ and ‘much’

I wonder if there is a notable difference with the 11th Gen pressed aluminium and the 12th Gen cnc milled ?


that is a neat idea, I think I will try that once I receive a new screen.

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In the ‘secondary’ pocket I had the thin plywood to even out any pressure form whatever else I may stuff in my backpack. Then I later found this piece of rubber net,which when folded fitting perfectly so I added that under the plywood to further take any shock.

Any spongy foam or bubble rap would be lighter and some people will use a more fancy carbon fibre sheet. So whereas my setup adds another 450g that could easily be halved.

Then I could do with the excercisee but I didn’t use a piece of stainless steel that I have:)

However I did use the ss plate to rest the laptop on when used as a 'lap’top.

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