Display Goes Black When Switching to dGPU F16

I’m using a Framework 16 with the dedicated GPU. Running Windows 11.
I had to reseat my GPU to try and get a replacement fan for my laptop. I had a support ticket for this and they have been notified of this new issue. After I reseated I got this bizarre issue that I couldn’t find anywhere else. Whenever the laptop switches to using the dedicated gpu instead of the internal gpu, the screen turns off until I connect an external monitor. This is shown in the google drive video when I open my browser and then a steam game. This happens on AC and battery. The display does not turn off if the monitor is already connected and I followed the gpu installation guide when reseating my gpu.


Edit: Solution is to clean the interposer with alcohol and cotton swabs and making sure to screw in the interposer screws in the correct order. TYSM @Alex_Uta

Check your BIOS settings, as well as reinstall drivers. Also make sure to be using the correct interposer

Can you please try this?

  1. Remove the interposer
  2. Clean the contacts with a cotton bud while making sure that there’s nothing there ( dust/hair )
  3. Connect the interposer
  4. Check and see if it works

Also, please check the video and make sure that you’ll use the right order for the screws.

Cleaning the interposer and making extra sure to do the screws right work! After restarting 5 or 6 times I’ve had no issues! TYSM @Alex_Uta

np. glad that it worked!