Fan Noise is constant and loud at 15% load

The CPU is under 15% load, the laptop body feels barely warm in the warmest places but the fans are running at about 50% (by sound estimation) constantly. Really loud but also unceasing. It’s very distracting and annoying.

How can I get the fans to chill out and not overdrive themselves for no benefit. Cooling works better in a higher temperature differencial so having fans rev this hard when the CPU is barely warm is just a waste. Not to mention the deminishing returns of running fans at 50% vs running them at 25%.

Due to the design of the fan system, I can’t even mitigate the noise by having the laptop elevated or the screen more open since the fan noise is made internally with the body of the laptop - not hair rushing past the table for example. I’m not an expert but my understanding is that this kind of fan noise also means the air isn’t flowing efficiently through the laptop - thus more power usage and noise for less cooling.

So i guess you need to give us some more context here.

  • 11th or 12th gen?
  • What operating system are you using?
  • What are you doing to get to 15% load (whatever 15% load means anyways)
  • What programs do you have installed, that could potentially have a demanding background process running
  • Is your laptop sitting on a table, on your lap, on your blanket in bed?
  • What are the actual temperatures of the cpu?

The design is what almost every other laptop uses. Sucking in air from the bottom, dissipating it to the back.

Actually both should improve your situation. Elevating it makes it easier to suck fresh air from the bottom and opening the screen more will make sure the hot air can get away better, since the vents are at an angle. Closing the screen is blocking the vents.

Still i guess you have another issue here, that we need to find.

Agreed more information would be helpful. With that said unless you power limit the CPU with RAPL/TLP/PPD / battery saver mode or change the fan curve yourself as far as I can tell this is just normal for the Framework laptop or perhaps all laptops now? Comparing to my previous machines this one is loud doing anything unless power limited even a 30s 200MB download from idle.

Some links for you to check out:

12th Gen
15% average utilization based on Task Manager’s performance tracking features
Closing a certain app put the CPU usage down to 8% and the fans turned way down but having fans cranked so high on such low sustained utilization numbers isn’t ideal.
Laptop is on a table with the screen at 140 degrees open
I don’t know if I can get temp numbers without 3rd party apps

I think you are right you would need to install software, here are two good options. HWINFO has much more information (so much it could be quite daunting) both will show you temperatures and clock speeds CPU utilization which are important metrics, e.g. 15% of 1GHz vs 15% of 3GHz is significantly different.

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I have similar issues, the fan is running constantly. But the load is low, any tips how to handle the noise/temperature?

Same issue, the fan noise is really annoying even with 10-15% of load. For load more than 30% a headset with noise cancellation is required.
Is there any real solution how to completely handle the noise issue? TBH I have never met such noise from other modern laptops.

Same here. Laptop fan is VERY noisy at startup and as soon as any trivial task is initiated. Windows update sends the laptop into a whirring frenzy.

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I’ve had my 12th gen laptop 13 (Intel i7-1260P, 32 GB RAM, Windows 11, BIOS v3.05, 2x USB-C cards, 1x USB-A, 1x HDMI 1st gen) for less than 2 years. Since first switching it on, it has always been quite noisy when the fan is running, and the fan runs at high duty whenever total cpu activity exceeds ~15-20%. It is noticeably noisier than any other laptop I’ve used, and attracts (the wrong sort of) attention in quiet environments with other laptop users. Battery life isn’t amazing but I’m aware this has always been a bit of an issue for 12th gen units, and the fan often running high would not help this. The 1st gen HDMI card is known to drain power and has not had the hardware or firmware fix applied.

Should I be
(a) contacting Framework to discuss inspection/diagnosis under warranty, or
(b) looking to upgrade hardware and identify firmware/software solutions?

I’m aware I need to update the BIOS to 3.08, although judging by posts on this forum, I probably shouldn’t expect any improvements relevant for my concerns. I’m also aware the HDMI card has inefficient power draw and the later cards have improved this, although the improvement is perhaps not seismic.

If there are hardware upgrades or software controls I could install, what would these be, within the limitation of sticking with the existing motherboard?

I have the same issue, 12th gen, i7-1260P, Windows 11. Fans run high at ~15%+ CPU load, very distracting and often attracts comments. I’ve posted another question on it, as yet no response: 12th gen Laptop 13 Windows 11 - how to reduce fan noise & heat, and improve battery life

Well it’s not the CPU status that drives the fan but the temperature.

Can you post data on that as above in post 6.

There you will see the temp is 70°C plus and had been 90, so no wonder the fan is spinning.

CPU | GPU | ambience | orientation of laptop air input etc.

My laptop rarely reaches 54 and the fan come on about 45


I’m not really expecting the fan not to be spinning at all, it’s really the high duty at which it’s operating and the consequent high noise levels, even without intensive activity on the machine that would be expected to cause higher temperatures (which typically coincide with elevated CPU load), that is the problem.

Screenshot attached of activity and temp when fans run up high - baseline CPU temp when idling is around 60 deg (1-second average). With a little activity (for example, switching windows, taking a few screenshots), this quickly reaches 70-90 deg. [I can’t monitor the machine temp such as shown in the previous post by Johannes_Theilmann, as it is not available in Libre on my machine]. If these temperatures are ‘hot’, then I guess the next question is, why is the machine running so ‘hot’, given that it is not under great demand, and is not in a hot environment (I’d estimate indoor ambient temp here is ~19deg). I don’t think this machine would ever be as low as 54 deg (CPU temp), after running for more than a few minutes.

Have tried using the Fan Control software, but it doesn’t detect any fan speed control to use - this is probably not surprising as it’s built on Libre, and Libre also does not detect any fan control sensor.

Have also updated BIOS to 3.08.

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If you haven’t already done so, you might try repasting with PTM7950.

Here’s my 11th Gen whilst I’m replying 1165G7

Currently the fan is very slow and quiet I have to put my ear by the keyboard.

Ambient temp is about 27°C | CPU 42°C

Using Win 11 & Firefox

All settings low

What have you done to lower the CPU use?

Did you read the above posts and follow an y of the links etc.

You can also disable turbo in the BIOS ?