Hello everyone, I have been having a problem with my 12th generation 1260p Framework laptop for a few weeks now. Before that it ran for 2 years without any problems.
When I shut down (or even standby) the PC, it does not switch off. After shutting down Logo etc. the screen goes black (no light) but the power button LED stays on and the PC gets very warm, causing the fans to turn up. The laptop then stays in this state forever, I have tested it for several hours. Only pressing the power Button for long tume helps to shut it down, or bring it into standby.
After restarting, the Laptop works fine, I just had problema to Connect a monitor and USB devices.
I thought it was a Windows 11 or driver problem, so I formatted the ssd and reinstalled Windows. The problem persisted during the installation process and unfortunately also afterwards.
I updated the BIOS to version 3.08, but that didn’t help either.
Unfortunately, I don’t know what else to try to get rid of the problem.
You should put a ticket into support to see if they have had occurrences of this happening. They will be the best resource to help isolate what is going on.
If I was to guess, something is going on with the embedded controller. It could possibly have corrupted values stored in it or somehow it paints itself into a corner and does not know how to recover which is why you have to reset the embedded controller to get it to operate normally.
Ideally flashing a new BIOS would clear the values but that is not always the case. You could try going into the bios and setting the optimized defaults (I don’t remember what F key it is off the top of my head) and see if the issue persists.
With as fast as everything is these days. I have gotten into the habit of never “sleeping” my machine and just using Hibernate. Let us know what you find out from support on this issue. We are curious what the solution is to little nuances that come up with the hardware.
It looks like a retimer problem. When doing the bios update, remove all devices and slot cards except the one for power.
Do a bios flash like that. Then move the power to the other side of the laptop and repeat the flash.
I tried it, but unfortunately it didn’t work. I also tried to install 3.06 BIOS version, but every time I shut down the PC it hangs again and the update does not take place. I still have 3.08 installed. I have also tried to reset the BIOS by removing the cmos battery and the system battery and then connecting the (original) charging cable (then the LEDs on the left and right flash red, I let them flash for about 15 hours). Even after that, 3.08 was still installed. Unfortunately, I cannot boot from a USB device because USB devices are not recognized. If I connect a USB device while Windows 11 is running, the error “could not be reset” takes place in device options (see picture above). I have disabled secure boot.
The laptop works quite normally, except that the ports do not work and it hangs when shutting down. I wouldn’t mind, but I need 2 monitors for work.
When I click on Retimers 01 in the device options (also see picture above) it says:
" you must restart the computer for this device to work properly. Firmware update error due to power requirements not met. The system battery is not sufficiently charged to safely update the firmware. "
However, the battery was fully charged during all my attempts. If I click restart here, the laptop also hangs while shutting down.
I don’t know what else to do, I will contact support now.
I don’t know if it affects you FW13 version, but there were some reports that the BIOS update would not work with 100% battery.
Discharge it to something like 80% and then try the BIOS update again.
The BIOS update program was for some reason interpreting 100% as 0%.
Hi, I’m the person you whose comment you quoted. I’m not sure if you read the full thread, but after trying many things, I only resolved it by contacting support, and after going through many back and forth emails, getting a motherboard replacement.
If you continue to have this issue, I would contact support, as it is probably not something you can fix yourself.
I’ve noticed that this bug also seems to lock the PKG power state into C2, causing extremely high drain in suspend.
My last hope is to re-flash the Retimers using the EFI update method via USB. Unfortunately all USB ports are broken (somehow Ethernet worked, then everything broke).
Maybe I can get USB out of the keyboard cover connector, that seems like the only plausible solution at this point.
Contacting support too, although I don’t have warranty.
Hi James, sorry for the late answer, had some troubles.
The Support was super nice and just sent me a new mainboard after some further tries and sending some videos.
Now with the new mainboard everyything works fine (after reinstalling windows again).
It was a really good experience with the support, they answered always super fast and the mainboard arrived after some days.
@ Shiroudan
What did the support tell you? I am not sure if I had still warranty either, but here in Germany I think we have at least 2 years warranty, always.
I think in Germany consumers usually have better rights than in USA, but this problem seems to be a common problem without any solution yet, perhaps Framework will replace the mainboard as a gesture of goodwill.
If not, I could think of one further try you can do with an EEPROM programmer. But I have no experience at all with that and you should inform yourself before doing so (don’t know how much experience you have). I think it can go wrong and one could destroy the laptop completely with that. But I don’t know. Be carefully.